Chapter 1

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12:36 the perfect time for a tea party if you were to ask her. She quietly sat, smiling, as she took sip after sip from the tea cup. Even if her father hadn't shown up to this party she was happy. A mouse squeeked and ran across the table.

"Oh! Another guest! How exciting!" Maddy exclaims grabbing the creator lightly making sure not to harm it, putting it on a tiny chair she had made set up on the table. Again it squeeked confused.

"What might I get you? One lump of sugar? Two?" She asked the animal reaching for salt cubes, not caring about the difference, they were sweet in her mind. At least what she imagined sweet to be. The room seemed to glow with pastel colors and swirled with life in her vision, not allowing her to see the dark wet room.

Still she plops two of the cubes in front of the mouse and looks back at her 'tea', the mosue walking over to the salt cubes, taking the time to eat them. It pursing up and stops moving.

Maddy laughs, "Oh! Deary, I guess two was too much!" she smiles and picks up the traumatized mouse in a pocket of her shirt. She gets up with the ticking of a clock in the corner of the room.

She frowns, "Looks like father couldnt make it to tea time today, oh well, 2:00 is always another time for tea!" She sings and walks to the door. She had an appointment with Uma, a fasinating creator to her who had always seems to bits too minipulitive for her, but since everyone had seemed to only care about conplaining now a-days Uma seemed like the only one with her head screwed on to an extent.

Funny if you ask the writer, but thats against the point.

As she walked she looked around, still a giant smile plastered on her face. Everyone around her ran and yapped on. Until a colorful in red boy ran past her, the pirate phycopath himself, Harry Hook, he stopped upon seeing her, curious to see what the rainbow girl was so happy about.

"Is it that my eyes deseive me or are you just a bit too happy there?" Harry says, walking backwards until they both stop. His crazy, slightly british voice said. Running his hook infront of her face, however it fased her not.

"Oh! Why Uma invited me over for a party I do believe! Why else?" Maddy responded, the mouse finally coming back to concioness and ducking down into her pocket. Harry upon seeing this turned his face into a sickening grin.

"Oh? What is that? A new friend you have brought me." Harry said slowly, airy, showing his clear intention. Maddy's face breifly turning very serious, yet still in her own phycotic format. Bringing her pastle blue nails to his neck, her other hand gripping his arm to the point of leaving a mark, "Im sorry, his name is Buddie and he is not your friend. Understand?"

Harry laughs slightly backing up, getting out of her grip, "'Iye, guess Ill just find my own this time. But I get the next one." Harry said getting his face close to Buddie, the newly named mouse. "Good day Mr. Buddie."

And with that he moves to a safe distance, "I would join you but a pest awaits me. so sorry Hatter." Maddy goes back to smiling as the pirate runs off.

Continung her journey all the way to Ursalas Diner. Maddy walks in, dragging much of the attention to her as she took a watch from her pocket. "oh deary, I'm just late." She closed it and looks around, to see just as her blue braid friend turns around in her chair, smiling at her.

"Don't worry Maddy, ya didn't keep me too long." Uma says getting up walking over, scoffing at Maddy's choice of light clothing.

"I see your still dressing like those goodie two shoes." Maddy giggles, "Oh no! I made this from some seal skin and fabric I found in the sea!" As she motioned to her shirt. It was a light cream color, her pants seemed to be made of seal as they had a pink tint to them that no one could quite forget.

"Uh Hu, interesting." Uma said, clearly not caring, but this fact went right over Maddy's head as she smiled in her friends 'interest'.

"Anyway Hatter, I actually didn't call you here for a party. I called you here for another reason." Uma says circling Maddy, whose face drops at the lack of a party.

"Oh, well then we must have tea another day! I'm open for tomorrow night! Will that work?" Maddy asks. "Mhm, sure, but I need you to do me a favor. Rumor has it Princess Betrayal is back on my territory. I need you to find me a boy who you've never seen before, you can remember faces can't you?"

  Maddy's eyes light up, "Oh yes! Oh my! I can also remember names as well! Any one whose new the isle I will surely be able to-" Uma cuts her off. "Great! Then bring this boy to me and in return we will have as many tea parties as you wish, and maybe even in King Ben's castle itself!" Uma's sinister smile came back as she dreamed of the power she could hold.

  "A tea party! In a castle! Oh my! That would be splendid!" Maddy exclaimed at just the idea as her imagination springs to life.

Her gown would be red, no Pink! No even better a mix of purple and blue, or maybe even all the pastel colors of the rainbow! It would be long on the left, yet short on the right! And puffy! All of the flumes sticking out! A feather for her hat, and oh! She would have blue! No red! Oh maybe both! That would be her shoes. Just a wonderful day it would be!

  The snapping of two fingers in her face brings Maddy out of her daze as she looks back to Uma.

  "So we have a deal?" She says extending a hand, which after a brief look to her new found mouse friend, Maddy shook in agreement.

'A boy for a party, seems worth it to me!' Thought Maddy as she left to go find Mr. Newbie and get her grand prize. At least before 2:00 of course!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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