Part 1

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AN: y'all there used to be some fan art in this chapter that I have been informed resembles n*zi propaganda (it did). This fic is super old and incomplete but I removed the art and you'll see places where I describe what used to be there. If I ever continue, I'll find something to replace them, but this is at least a temporary improvement, and leaving them did not feel fair at all. Thanks for understanding! If you want to look them up, that's up to your discretion. The descriptions should be enough to find most of them


"You've got to understand!" Hermione pleaded,
"I need this job! Honestly... I feel lost without.."

"Without your magic?"

Hermione nodded.

The person sitting at the desk sounded familiar, but Hermione couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"That's hardly unusual, Granger. But you were born from muggles. It's nothing too drastic."

Hermione nearly tore out her hair in frustration. How did it always come back to this? Everyone assumed that being born muggle meant the switch to no magic outside of the ministry was easy. In truth, Hermione thought it was harder.

"But for me it is! Really! It gets worse every day. I know I have the ability, but I'm not capable of using it properly."

The woman speaking, Hermione was almost positive it was a woman, paused. It seemed like she was doing it to aggravate Hermione at that point. Hermione tried to will the bracelet off her hand using only her mind, but it did nothing.

"Poor.. poor little Granger. Unable to stand not being held on a pedestal for once in her sad, miserable life."

"Please! I'll do anything for this."

There's another, longer pause.

"Anything isn't the kind of promise you should make to someone like me."

Hermione was past begging. She was practically in tears. She had to use her magic again and the only way was with a ministry job, a possibility that had been out of the question until only recently. "Please."

There wasn't a response.

"Fine," Hermione said.
She shuffled her feet and sniffed loudly without meaning to. "I'll just go then."

She turned towards the door before hearing a sigh behind her.


She waited, tensely. She stood there, just hoping for the woman to continue speaking and end her nightmare.

"You only have one shot. Got that." The woman's voice shook like she was the one on trial. "Don't. Blow it. This... isn't the kind of favour I'm fond of giving."

Hermione spun around to face the back of the ministry worker chair again. "I.. thank you. I can't thank you enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

The chair spun around to reveal a suit-clad businesswoman.

"Pans- um p- Parkinson?"

Pansy scowled at her. Hermione couldn't make a connection between the woman sitting in front of her and the girl she'd known from school.


She was doing pretty well with the whole Snape impersonation.

"I just— uh it's been so long since... and I never expected this out of you... I, um..." For one, Hermione struggled to find words. "I've been trying for a job here for months now. Thank you. Really."

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