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The language arts teacher talked non-stop which made me feel....angry for some reason. Why was I feeling sick? I felt PERFECT this morning, why am I sick? Just then something in me triggered and I felt like I was going to hurl. Without hesitating, I jumped out of my seat, and RAN to the restroom. Right when I shut the stall door, I threw up. 

It's been so long since I've thrown up, my body shook and I felt weak. My throat burned as I flushed the toilet and sat on the seat. Ugh, I felt horrible. Just then I heard the restroom door open, then close.

"(Y/n)? You okay?!" I heard Tigress shout as I opened the stall door.

Tigress gasped and looked shocked. "(Y/n), you look horrible! Usually when I throw up, I'm pale...but your not. In fact, your tanner than you were before!" Tigress stated 

I felt to weak to retort to her. 

"Mrs. Casey knows what's going on, and she wants you to go up to the office and call home." Tigress sighed.

I nodded and walked over to the sink and washed my hands. Ugh, I feel terrible. 

Tigress walked with me up to the office and talked to the office assistant because she knew how bad my throat burned. Speaking of burn, my whole body felt as if it was on fire. I sat down in one of the chairs and closed my eyes. I couldn't hear Tigress talking anymore, everything was muted. Well...for a minute. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the wary, worried eyes guessed it.

My brother, Jacob.

His long black hair touched my leg as he bent down to look at me. 

"Heh, (y/n), sick already?" Jacob joked, trying to lighten the mood...which wasn't helping at all.

Jacob started to talk with the office assistant about taking me home. At first, the woman refused and insisted that Jacob go back to class, but Jake told her that our dad was in a wheelchair and couldn't drive. Finally she gave in but told Jake to come back after. He didn't complain.

Jacob then led me out the door, onto his motorcycle, and we were off.

Light in the dark Seth Clearwater x (Werewolf!) Reader((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now