Herbs Q - S

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More herbs Q, R, S,

Stinging Nettle
Description:It has green, spiny seeds.
Location:All over the forest.
Usage:The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed.
Effect:Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively.
 Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.

Description:Thin wooden protrusions that grow on and fall from trees.
Location:Can be found anywhere there are trees.
Usage:Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal.
Effect:Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.

Ragwort Leaves
Description:Tall shrub with yellow flowers. Tastes foul to cats.
Location:Almost everywhere, especially in cool areas with high rainfall.
Usage:Crushed and chewed; mixed with bunker berries, it can help aching joints.
Effect:Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up

Description:Ragged-leaved plant resembling a fern.
Location:Thought to be commonly found in the mountains.
Usage:Thought to give cats extra strength.
Effect:Like lamb's ear, ragwort gives a cat extra strength and energy.

Raspberry Leaves
Description:Soft to the touch, but with jagged edges.
Location:Found on raspberry bushes.
Usage:It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting.
Effect:Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.

Description:It has long narrow leaves and lavender-colored head stalks.
Location:Often grows in infertile soils in a wide range of moisture conditions.
Usage:Used to bind broken bones.
Effect:Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs

Stinging Nettle
Description:It has green, spiny seeds.
Location:All over the forest.
Usage:The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound.
 The stems can also be chewed. Effect:Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.

Description:Thin wooden protrusions that grow on and fall from trees.
Location:Can be found anywhere there are trees.
Usage:Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal.
Effect:Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
*for the best cat in the world {JayBae} it can send you through time and space

Example: Rag Wort

Example: Rag Wort

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