Chapter 14

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Before I begin I just want to say I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. And I don't really have just one excuse so I'm just going to say I'm very sorry.

And also before we start I edited my recent chapters and I changed a view things so if you a little confused with how this begins go read chapter 13 to understand it a little better.

Stiles POV

I quickly turn around and run up the stairs towards my old room.

Thinking Dean might follow, I close and lock the door, going and taking a seat on my old dusty bed.

Not even seconds after I hear a knock on the door. "Go away Dean, I thought I told you I need a minute."

"Not Dean." I hear Sam say from behind the door obviously.

I let out a sigh before getting up, and unlocking the door.

I walk back over to the bed as Sam opens that door and walks in, closing the door behind him.

Not knowing what to say I just keep quiet waiting for Sam to break the ice.

"Dean means well, he may not show it as clearly as he should but he still does." Sam says out of thin air.


"No, Stiles okay for once you need to listen. Ever since Dean found out you were his son he has done nothing but his best to protect you and even though he fails at it sometimes he still tries. And that's something you need to think about the next time you look him in the eye. "

"Because believe it or not, besides me your all he as left and him and I both do not feel like losing someone else we care deeply about."

"I know okay and I'm sorry." I breathe out.

"I just I can't, I cant process this normally you know. Like my mind refuses too."

"Stiles it's okay. Just.... Just know that even though you've lost so much you've at least gained to. You've gained a loving father, and a loving uncle who cares about you and loves you."

All I can do at this point was nod, before I quickly getup and hug Sam.

"Thank you." I whisper

"Your welcome, now let's get going Chris wanted us to meet him to discuss some stuff." Sam says pulling away and patting my shoulder before walking out of the room.

I let out a breath before following him out.


"Wait so you're saying you've been following this demon around for months before you lost it?" Dean questions Chris with a confused look.

"Yeah lost it around the time Noah was murdered. I then picked up it's it trail in France and it sooner lead me back here." Chris replies.

"But why would it come back?" I ask.

"We think maybe it's because we're back." Sam says looking from Dean to Stiles.

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