Chapter 1

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Karis P.O.V

I walked into the building that most people called "School" but I called it "hell." It was my first day as a Junior and I couldn't be more excited that I only have two years left before I can leave this godforsaken town. Around school I was known as the "Popular Girl" but I never really paid attention to social status because it was never really important to me but others thought different. There are people that would rather be loved by everyone and worshipped like they were a mighty god and there are people that would rather be feared and known for the bad things that they do. Simon Minter was one of those people that would rather be feared than worshipped, he wants to make people think that him and his gang control this school and run the people in it. Simon and I never really talked, we always made eye contact when we saw each other in class or passed each other in the hall and sometimes at parties we would give each other a nod but that was the most contact we ever had with each other.

I met up with my friends Cora, Sia and Jennifer at my locker, each of us had our schedule in our hands so that we can see what classes we all have together. Sadly I have English which is 3rd period, CAP Psychology which is 8th period and study hall by myself. My friends all left to go to their first class except Jen, her and I had Chemistry together. We got to our first class early and picked our seats in the back by the windows. I took a glance outside to see Simon closing his car door and putting his leather jacket on that had "Sidemen" stitched into it. Sidemen was the name of the gang which consisted of Josh, Ethan, JJ, Harry, Vik and Tobi. I soon realized that Simon and I were staring at each other and I gave him a small smile and looked away. 

The first two periods went by quickly but now it was third period and I had no friends in my class but English has always been my favorite class so I'll survive. The teacher assigned us our seats and mine was the corner seat in the very back. As class started I noticed that the seat to my left was empty until the notorious Simon walked in late as always. The teacher stopped his lesson and turned to Simon "Mr. Minter your seat is in the back next to Karis and try not to be late to my class anymore or I'll put you in detention", he just nodded his head and took a seat next to me. The teacher went back to his lesson but I couldn't focus on what he was teaching because I could feel someone's eyes burning into me. I turned my head to catch Simon's stare and most people wouldn't have the guts to say this to him but I however did not care for this boy. I looked him straight into the eyes trying not to get lost in them but I said "Take a picture it will last longer." He just chuckled as I looked away going back to focusing on the lesson but every now and then I'd catch him staring at me and never taking his eyes off of me.

Finally the bell rang, signaling that third period was over and you had three minutes to get all your stuff and head to your 4th period class. I left English heading straight to my locker and grabbing my notebook and pens. But as I was walking to my class the bell rang and the hallway was completely empty except for Joe, my ex and his group of idiot jocks. I tried to walk past but I was stopped by Joe stepping in front of me saying "where are you going baby? you haven't answered any of my texts." I just return saying "there is a reason for that Joe, we broke up remember?" He just laughs and says with a controlling tone "Baby we aren't over until I say we are." He tells his friends to leave which is never a good thing and it leaves us alone in the hallway. I begin to become a little scared because after what happened this summer I never wanted to be alone or even near him again. I try to walk away but he grabs my arm pulling me closer to him, I tried telling him with a powerful voice to let me go but he didn't listen. The memories of this summer are flashing into my head and he is relinquishing me powerless. That was until someone with a deep voice interjected "Get your hands off of her." Joe let go of me and turned around to see Simon standing a few inches away with his friends. Joe knew that he could never take them in fight especially by himself but before he walked away he whispered in my ear "This isn't over." I felt chills go down my spine and my stomach erupted with nervous and anxious feelings. Finally he walked away and was out of my sight but Simon was now standing in front of me and I could tell by looking into his eyes that he was feeling pity for me. After processing what had just happened, I quietly made out the words "thank you", he just gave me a nod and walked away with his friends. But as he walked away I couldn't help but watch him and wonder why the notorious "bad boy" would defend me against the popular, dumb jocks. My thoughts were interrupted when my friend Cora snapped her fingers in front of my face, she looked at me with confusion and said "What are you doing? you are late for class and Mr. Jones sent me to look for you. Lets go!"

For the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking of Simon and what had happened earlier, people always thought of him as a bad boy who dealt drugs, fought people and overall did illegal things but maybe he is not as bad as people think. 

It was the last period of the day, study hall and I was sitting by myself in the library that was until Simon sat down across from me at the table. I was curious as to why he sat next to me especially since there were empty seats all over the library. I was the first to break the eye contact that we had been holding for a few seconds by saying "Again thanks for earlier." He spoke but in a whisper because we were in the library, "you're welcome, I'm guessing it was a rough break up?" I just chuckled looking down finding it hard to not cry when i think about the summer but I make out the words "you have no idea." I think he notices that I was starting to get upset because he told me "Don't worry, my friends and I have your back." Right after he said that he walked away, leaving me in utter confusion and saying the words over and over again. 

After the final bell rang I walked to my locker to grab my books and notebooks and shoved them into my bookbag. I grabbed my keys out of my bag and walked to the parking lot to get into my car. I connected my phone to the aux cord and began playing "Good Life" by G-Eazy and Kehlani, I couldn't help but sing the words to the song as I drove home, It was a ten minute drive to get there. I arrived to an empty home as usual, my parents were at work and didn't usually get home till 8 depending on the day. I fended for myself for dinner tonight and decided right after homework that I was going to get into my pajamas and go to sleep. As i drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but think about Simon,what happened today and what he meant by "My friends and I have your back." But my thoughts slowly put me into a deep sleep.


So there's chapter one, I'm currently in the process of writing chapter 2 but I hope you guys liked the first chapter. ALSO I'm not a very good writer so I don't expect this to be good. but anyways here it is lol :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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