♠Part 6(Ist)♠

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JungEum's Pov





"Han JungEum"


"Yah Han JungEum!!!!"

I jumped out of my thought..Wait all of it was just play of mind??...I swear my Brain is killing me So...

The kiss,The library,The scene where... What a waste...WAIT WHAT?!

"Yah JungEum are you alright? It seems like your injury still left an aftershock",Yoongi pointed at my face

"You look like you need medics your face is Red",Taehyung rested his chin on his fist

"Am i?",I said and they all nodded I noticed this room seems odly familiar like i said i dont know my real parents but this room though with no windows white walls with golden stripes but then suddenly My head aches

"JungEum!!",Taehyung and Yoongi yelled maybe because im clenching my chest with my fist and im getting paler

"Get some water!",Jin said and Hoseok rushed to the near water dispenser and handed me a glass of water thankfully the pain was gone

"What happened?",Jimin asked me

"Nothing my head just spinned and hurts but the pain eased",I said wishing he would believe me

I scanned the room and noticed Jungkook was'nt here so i asked

"Wheres--",I was gonna say his name but Yoongi cutted me off

"He is downstairs after you get down take a turn to the left and find the library parto of but JungEum eat first you need to at because your not fully recovered y--",I cutted him of by running my night dress was flowing of my knees like a summer dream

"Yah!!!!!!",I heard them call for me but no use i just ignored it

I got down downstairs and went to the left and found a library and in the deeper side and the corner you'll see desks but on the farthest part you'll see a boy his head down and sleeping
I approached him and saw his face wet with tears i can see it through the sunlight that was hitting his face.

Poor kid...

Has he been crying?...

I walked close and stroked his hair his hair is so soft very fluffy the thought of him makes me smile his smile makes my day complete.

"Why have you wasted all your energy?",I spoke

"Mmmhnnn.."He groaned,And slowly lifted his eyes up I lifted my hand up from his hair and slowly he wakes up.

"*yawns* Aish Neugeuya? Why did you wake--",He said with one eye opened but to see his eyes widened to see me awake

I smiled at him

"Annyeonghaseyeo",I bowed at him

"No need to be Formal",He said while raising his hands up and signaling no need to be formal

"Good thing your awake",He smiled

"Ahh i was wondering where am i right now??",I tiled my head a bit

"Your in the Jeon Residence"....

Jeon Residence..

Isnt that the?!?!?!..

To be continued...

Hai guys imma upload the second part later a little cliffhanher right there huehuehue

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