Winter Night

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Yongsun looks out the slightly frosted window, admiring the winter night sky that greeted her outside. Stars, sparkling like snowflakes in the sunlight, fill the sky and accompanied the dazzling moon. She feels a presence make it's way to her.

"What's caught your attention, my lil sunshine?" Moonbyul asked, nuzzling Yongsun's cheeks.

"Ah, stop it Byulie," the Squirtle replies as she playfully pushes the hamster away, her cheeks slightly heating up, "I'm just looking at the moon."

"But you already got your own moon right here," she smiles, wrapping her arms around the blushing Yongsun. "Why not pay attention to just me?"

The two girls were staying in a cabin for their winter break off of school. Just to unwind and take school stress off their already aching back.

"Do a backflip out the window, then I'll pay attention to you."

"Tough crowd, but just so you'll look at me, I'll do it." Moonbyul releases from the hug and stands up.

"Wait no I didn't-," Yongsun bolts up and turns towards the raven haired girl who was slowly making her way to a window. "MOON BYUL YI COME BACK HERE I SWEAR TO GOD."

Yongsun stumbles towards Moonbyul, falling for the younger girl's plans. As the pink haired reaches out to stop her, Moonbyul swiftly turns around and catches her in her hug. The impact causing the both of them to fall onto the ground with a loud thud.

"Awe my unnie cares about me~" Byul cooed, petting the older girl's head. She hears a faint 'Shut up' as Yongsun burries her head into her girlfriend's chest.

They stayed there in comfortable silence. Enjoying each other's warmth and company in this very moment.

After a while, Yongsun breaks the silence, breaking Moonbyul's hug and stands up. "I'm glad you're here with me. Especially after all of that stress school gave us." She offers a hand to Moonbyul.

Moonbyul holds onto her hand as she was helped up. "Hey, no prob. I'm just glad that I got to spend Christmas with my girlfriend for the first time."

Moonbyul leans in and leaves a light kiss on Yongsun's cheeks, chuckling as she watched the older girl take on a pink hue once again. "I love you, Yongkong."

Yongsun hugs the younger's neck, leaving a kiss on Moonbyul's cheek too. "I love you too, Byulkong."

A/N: Sorry if it's not that great and if it seems rushed. I haven't written anything for a LONG time and tried to get back into writing by making this last minute fic. So sorry if some of it seems inconsistent and that it's really short. Nonetheless, I hope you all like it 💕

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