entry 9

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So I feel really weird from yesterday... like I'm not sure on what he was trying to do like it was a nice gesture and all but I kinda think it was set up... I'm afraid to know the real answer and how would I even get the real answer... go up to Ethan and be all like,'hey Ethan, did mark set you up to get information?' NOO I would never do that.... yet again. No no jess! You can't! You don't want to hear the answer it will just upset you. I'll wait till he brings it up. There that's the plan.


So I was in the kitchen and all of a sudden wade walks by and says," hey how's everything?"-" Everything's going good, why?"-" no reason, I just like to check up on you it's fun you life is so interesting."-" really it seems my life has been 'interesting' quite a lot to people." As I said that it sounded a lot sassier than I intended and I felt bad for it but then it was too late. All wade did was cock his head and say,"by... and why?"-" Ethan but I also think he was being nice,so I don't know..."-" well that's odd... should I ask around or..."-" no not yet but if they generally tell you tell me please..."-" what were you guys talking about?"-" nothing to worry about."-" if it was really weird like sexual would you tell me?"-" of course wade but it was not sexual at all... I promise you it wasn't."-" ok just making sure, I love you jess."-" I love you too wade." And he walks away smiling. I smile too because I do love him as family. So as I'm making a sandwich mark walks in and said," jess can you do me a favor..." I almost had a heart attack I was just wondering what he was going to say. He they says," can you make a sandwich too please?" I then die of laughter and he just questions it and my responce it," I thought it would be something much more different." Still,laughing" like what?" Mark says. " I have no idea just something not like that but that was hilarious and yes I'll make you a sandwich. With love."-" good and thank you so much jess. You're amazing." I continue to make my sandwich I've now Given up for mark and grabbed the chips. He blushes and says," did you really have to cut it into triangles?"-" yes you are my child and I love my child." He blushes and stuffed his face with sandwich. I got mine and went into the living room and mark like a puppy followed. I grab the remote and put on The Lowe Files mark then laughs and says," oh great... your wanna be boyfriend john owen... Aweee look how cute he is." He says with his mocking little baby voice. I giggle and say," yeah I wish I could have that." Mark then says under his breath," yeah, you wish you could have me." I gave a glare over to him and I gave him a attitude face. He says," I'm sorry jess if that upset you a little bit."-" it's fine it just brought up some unwanted memories." Mark then blushes a lot of embarrassment and remember about my journal. I giggled and say," yeah you better turn into a tomato." He gave me the sarcastic smile then actually smiled.


We've watched about 2 hours of Johnny owen and mark won't stop saying,"ohhhh awwww look how hot. Jess has a crush!!!" I say under my breath,"wouldn't be the first time." I say smiling and rolling my eyes.," hey mark can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?"-" of course jess, anytime."-" ok so Ethan took me out for ice cream and questioned me a little bit; did you put him up to it?"-" if I tell you the honest answer... are you going to get mad?"-"I don't know."-" well honestly I did to make you guys talk and get to know each other;"-" wait, that was it? Did you tell him about anything personal?"-" no I don't think so jess, why?"-"no reason..."-" what did you guys talk about jess?"-" nothing he just brought you up and-"-" what about me?"-" I don't know- can we just watch TV please?!? I don't want to talk about this. I shouldn't have brought it up I'm sorry."-" ok jess whatever you want." He says with a questioning look. I sigh a little and unpause the show. Damn I do love me some John Owen.

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