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"Ugh! Sterry,do you really want to go to the school today?I don't feel like getting up."I heard my mum groan.Her morning voice louder than the pathetic excuse that comes out of my mouth after so much effort.

"Yes mum,I have a test today." I shouted from my place in font of the dressing table.

"Fine.Come down in five.I'll get the breakfast ready."she said.I could hear her trying to stifle her yawn.

"You don't have to,mum"I sighed.looking at my reflection.

I heard a door open and craned my head to see my mum."I know I don't have to.I want to."she winked at me and then left.

I smiled a little.Trust my mum to be so cheerful early in the morning.I think my brain doesn't even work till its at least ten in the morning.

I sighed and and went to take my bag from the bed and glanced at myself one last time in the mirror.What stared back at me was nothing extraordinary.I had long dark brown hair.And by long,I mean actually long.They went down all the way to my hips.My eyes a dull grey stared right back at me.When I was little,I actually really liked my eyes .They were big and grey.But then came the middle school.The time when children feel the need to behave like total ass holes for no reason whatsoever.

I wasn't bullied.No.Bullying doesn't happen in Niosa. That's one of the things our king takes pride in.As if there's nothing left to be superior in.

Anyways,back to the matter at hand.I checked my makeup for the last time and pulled at the hem of my dress.It was a blue coloured sundress that I teamed up with my pair of ballet flats.I put on the rings I usually wear along with some metal bracelets and headed out of my room.

The smell of my favourite blueberry pancakes hit my nose and i instantly smiled.I swear,food makes everything better.

I slid in the seat next to where my brother Archer was sitting.He looked up and gave a simple nod in my direction then resumed doing whatever he was doing on is phone.Maybe he was chatting up with his girlfriend.Or current girlfriend to be precise.I stopped bothering to learn their names because I never see him with the same girl again.

Yes.My brother is a player.But he is good at heart.He has these wonderful green eyes thanks to my dad and dimples that make the girls weak at their knees.But he is a gentleman.Never did drugs,never smoked and definitely never mistreated a girl.Every girl knows what she is signing up for when she  agrees to go out with him.

My mum placed a plate of pancakes in front of us both and we both looked up at her.

"What?dig in both of you!And try to be fast Asteria or else you'll be late.Archer will drop you."

My brother opened his mouth to protest but my mother glared at him and he shut up. I grinned at him.Mum can be pretty scary when she wants to.

I heard footsteps and turned to see my dad walking in,rubbing his face and yawning.He kissed my mum on the cheek and then proceeded to help her with the pancakes.I took my time to look at the three of them.They all had the same tanned,healthy skin colour. Athletic build and communicating skills that could make even a pumpkin talk.

While I was quite the opposite really.I had pale skin.Not sickly pale,but yes,paler in comparison to them.I had dark eyes,thanks to mum's side of the family and sometimes, I Can be painfully awkward.Other time ,I guess I'm okay.I can make people laugh and for me that's enough.

Mum was shocked when I was born,and so was dad.Because I looked even more of an outsider to the family when I was little.

Dad jokes sometimes and says "the moment I looked at my baby girl,I knew she was special.A gift.Or else why would someone send a nerd in the family of bad-asses?"

Dad and mum were the "it-couple" in high school.Both had been a part of the same rock band in high school and when Archer was born everyone knew right away that he would be just like them.Outgoing and wild.And he was.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard Archer chuckle."Daydream sometime else sis.We're gonna be late."

We both ran out of the house and raced to the car.And as usual,he was first.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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