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How to know if you're getting bad again:
Ok so I don't know what every one else feels but I do know that these are true for me and a few other people.
1: you start eating too much or not at all
2: you start losing sleep or sleeping too much
3: people ask why you're so uninterested in everything. It's not that you're not interested it's more that you don't have the energy to be interested
4: you'll start rambling or you'll just stop talking altogether
5: you'll start spacing out and randomly daydreaming
6: you'll start to loose track of time
7: you start making cynical comments. A lot of them will be about yourself
8: you'll start pushing people away again and just wanting to be alone
9: you'll get more tired but not the tired that sleep can fix. The constantly rubbing your eyes and head tired.
10: you'll start to avoid eye contact and not be able to bring yourself to look at their faces let alone let them see yours
11: you'll start feeling shaken and the butterflies in your tummy will erupt into a panicking mess
12: you'll start to avoid conversations and certain people.

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