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What is depression?

Everyone believes that depression is just teenagers wearing too much makeup, playing sad music, curling up in a ball and crying your mascara off in the shower but it's so much more than that. It's not wanting to talk to anyone for days or desperately needing to be around people. Sometimes depression is having no appetite even though you haven't eaten in days and sometimes it's eating everything in sight. It's not your boyfriend or best friend holding you and telling you that everything will be fine. It's sitting across from them and having them ask you what's wrong and you know that you're ruining their day cause you just can't be fucken happy. It's the feeling of just wanting to be able to enjoy something and be normal for once. It's keeping secrets from the ones you love because you don't want them to look at you like your broken even though they are. Depression isn't easy black and white. It's confusing and lonely and frustrating but mostly just exhausting.

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