Act One

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Emperor Zudis: Erpi!

~Erpi enters the big room through the large doors~

Erpi: ye-yes your majesty.

Emperor Zudis: Call in Mektas.

Erpi: r-right away your m-majesty.

~Erpi walks out of the room and straight to the warrior training in the field~

Erpi: M-Mektas. The sire would like to see you.

~Mektas puts down his bow and arrow as he was about to shoot a new one into the target~

Mektas: And why is that?

Erpi: T-The sire had not told me the reason.

~Mektas nods. He makes his way to the luxurious room~

Mektas: Greetings Emperor Zudis. You have requested me?

~Emperor Zudis puts down the golden cup~

Emperor Zudis: Well yes! Are my new worriers ready for war?

Mektas: Yes. They have all been trained well. And I have hope of justice.

Emperor Zudis: Well done, Mektas. I am proud to have a warrior and trainer as you. You are excused.

~Mektas bows~

Mektas: Very well, your majesty.

~Mektas walks past Erpi as he gives him a look~

Erpi: Y-Your majesty, do you wish anything more?

Emperor Zudis: No. You too are excused.

~Erpi bows and then walks out through the big door~

~Mektas walks back to the trained warriors in the field~

Mektas: Warriors! Solute!

~All the warriors stand in a line, saluting to their trainer, putting their fists to their chests and then shouting in a fierce way~

~Mektas looks at every single warrior then his eyes settle at one warrior~

Mektas: Tjtec. Show me what you have learned. I would like to see if you are ready.

~Tjtec nods. He takes his bow and three arrows. He walks to one of the lined targets and places the bow in the position of shooting. He shoots the first, then second, then third arrow in only a few seconds. Mektas smiles~

Mektas: Very well. Everyone. I expect the best in this war. I have lost many friends in the previous one. I hope not to lose you too. You are all excused. Tomorrow you travel!

~The soldiers, in their line, turn around, facing the camp and walking to it~

Tjtec: Is everyone ready for tomorrow? Thorenton?

Thorenton: Yes. I wish to-

Tjtec: Wish? That is the spawner for the witches and their black magic!

Thorenton: I hadn't meant-

Tjtec: Do not ever pronounce such a word again!

Thorenton: Tjtec. Do not raise your voice. I said I hadn't meant.

Tjtec: It was a warning. Never tell me again to lower my voice. I talk as I want.

Thorenton: I have no time for your nonsense. I have to pack my needs for the travel.

Tjtec laughs.

Tjtec: You are weak! You do not belong in the war. But As Mektas sees it, I do.

Thorenton: I am not weak, you are just too adroit to see.

Tjtec: Adroit? No. I am nothing but a skilled fighter.

Thorenton: Yes you are skilled. We both have trained together. So we both have the same skills.

Tjtec: You are right. But I do not see the reason of your hopes to win.

Thorenton: We have to win. The last war was a disappointment to Emperor Zudis. This time, let us make him proud.

Tjtec: What if we...Die?

~Thorenton laughs~

Thorenton: Tjtec afraid to die? Those are the most unexpected words I heard of you.

Tjtec: Do not make fun of my fears. Death is everyone's fear. I know you too are afraid to die.

Thorenton: No Tjtec. I am afraid to die in disappointment. I refuse to die without honor.

Tjtec: I'm impressed of how you think, my friend.

Thorenton: We are not friends. We are brothers.

~Old fashioned music plays around the camp fire. Tjtec and Thorenton go to the fire and sing with the others~

Alieous : Everyone! I hope everyone of you the best in the war! You are all my friends and I am afraid to lose you. So let us all celebrate tonight and tomorrow we travel to the battle!

~Cheers flood the camp. Some warriors holding up their metal cups of beer. They cheered and sang and drank some more~

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