My Buddy Sir Macho 1

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Hey fans of mine! I'm going to go into a totally different direction of my writing in this one.

Hope you enjoy it!



My Buddy Sir Macho


It all started when I was walking my dog home from one of our daily runs.

I was turning the corner onto the street my house was on when Sir Macho started going besurk. First a little insight on my dog. I got him from our local pound two years ago and at first he was reluctant to trust me. He was not treated right by his first owner so no one really got close. Until I tried. And suddenly i had a loyal best friend who looked out for me whenever he could. And then we moved here where he became even more protective than before. Back to present time.

"Yo, Macho! Wat's wrong babe?" I asked. I always did like the way those two words rang together.

He was staring staight ahead, teeth bared, and muscles tenced.

I looked where he was and then to where he was staring.

Walking down the street, completely oblivious to me and Sir, was the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. His head was slightly bent foreward, eyes closed, and his head was bobbing, as if in time to some unknown beat. Then I noticed that he had headphones in. I blushed at my own spaciness and that's when he decided to look up. His eyes were something I've never seen before. At first he was three houses away and by now he was five feet in front of Macho. He stopped and looked at me with a mixed expression of worry and freaked outness. I then realised how long I'd been staring.

Aw, geez!

"H-h-hi! My name's Darcy! What's goin' on?" I flashed him my best confident smile. i had always been an out going person but this guy was making me nervous.

He brushed his Black and brown hair out of his violet eyes. I was mentally drooling. I mentally shook myself so I could focus back in on reality. I then wondered if he said anything. He obviously hadn't because then he actually said something.

"Hey. M'name's Allen. Did you just move in?" He said the last part kind of off handedly, as if it just crossed his mind.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I questioned.

"Well I kind of know everyone who lives around here and I've never seen you before now." He said. I had been listening, don't get me wrong, but at the same time I was looking at his outfit. He was wearing baggy jeans and a My Chemical Romance band tee.

"Oh." Was my brilliant responce to his statement. "You know, what your wearing isn't really all that suitible for walking." It slipped out of my mouth before I could think about it. Dang! Now he would know that I was checking him out.

He smirked as if the same thought past through his mind. "Yeah, well, it was kind of spur of the moment desision. What are you doing out here so late anyway?"

Did I mention that it was roughly 11:30 at night? No? Well as long as Sir Macho was with me, my parents didn't mind if I went out and had my cell on me.

"Hmm... Touche. Where are you headed, by the way?"

"Why, stalking me?" He teased.

"Oh please! You totally wish." I said with a smirk. Up until that point I had totally forgotten about Sir Macho, despite the earlier reference. Sad, i know.

He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Okay, whatever. It looks like your pooch is about to pass out anyway so I'll do you a favor. Here's my number"-insert him writing his number on my hand here *Where'd he get the pen!*-"Call me later or something okay?" He walked off and I just kept staring at my hand with three questions in mind. One- Does he good to my school? We were on break at the moment. Two- Why didn't my dog attack him? For a couple of moments he WAS in range. And three- Where did he get the freakin' pen?!?!?

The last question was irrelivant because, well, it could have come from his pocket and me being me probably wouldn't have noticed at all. But still.

I shook myself out of my daze and started to walk home.

But really, why did Sir Macho restain himself?


Okay everyone! I hope you enjoyed it!

Allen has NO superpowers! Just incase you were wondering.



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