I just stared at the ceiling as the clock strikes 4 am.
The soft snores of my cat was the only source of sound heard in my quiet bedroom.
My lights hanged around my wall twinkled lightly, as I fluttered my eyes open and close.
The feeling of vomitting comes to my throat, but I decide to ignore it.
My wrist stinged as I held the small razor in my other hand.
Tears slid down my cheeks, I stayed quiet.
"Sleep for gods sake!" I shouted, then threw my razor blade at the wall, my cat wakes up in fear.
I take my phone then see no messages.
Are you there?
My eyes stinged with tiredness, but my heart stinged with pain.
She tried to shut her eyes, to sleep.L
Like that would work.E
Everything she did, didn't help whatsoever.E
Even tho she tried sleeping pills, they didn't help.P
Pills scared her, it reminded her of when she found the body of her classmate in the bathroom with pills on the floor.Penny Chong.
15 of age, dead on 26th September. In a relationship with Greg Johnson. Pills, the murder of her death.
I wasn't close with her, but seeing a dead body from suicide in front of my eyes scared me, especially when I came in the bathroom to kill myself.