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Hunter walks back over and gets in the car.
"What did you do to Andrew?" Tears running like a river from my eyes.
"Don't worry about him." He smiles in the mirror. Has we drive off. We drive for a few hours, before we turn down a long dirt rode. We drive for another few hours before coming up to an old factory. My heart pounding. The car stops. Hunter steps out and opens my door.
"Come on get out." I step out of the car tears still rolling down my face. He starts to walk up to a small building, he opens the door and motions for me to enter. I step inside has Hunter slams the door shut. There's a chair in the center of the room, behind is a wall with doors.
"Sit, we need to have a little talk." He's voice cold and dark. I sit. He grabs some rope and walks to me again.
"Please don't, give me a second chance I promise I'll behave." I say pushing back the tears.
"Fine, I'll give you one last chance to behave."
"Thank you."
"Now you are going to do what ever I ask you to right?"
" Great then, take off your shirt!"
"You heard me take it off!" I lift off my shirt and through it to the ground. He steps behind me and starts to play with my breasts.
He slowly moves his hand down my stomach, when the door swings open. In comes one of the men from earlier, careering a girl, laying lifeless is his arms. The man sets the girl in the ground.
"Is that bay!" I say looking at the girl.
"I thought you might need some.of your other friends."
"Is she umm." Tears start to fall from my face.
"No she's just asleep, for now."

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