im lost in my mind

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Well that was weird did she say her name is clock work the hell kinda name is that dame my head feels like ive ben hit by a rail road spike and did she just call me jesse im j.f why did she just call me jesse i got up and walked over to a mirror my eyes shot open i... i am jesse what the hell my skin is now pail and my eyes were dark red i steped back and triped over a stool that was behind me i hit the ground fuck that hurt i got back up and sat on my bed no no No! I cant be him this doesn't make sense how when i laid down then diseded to go down stairs i opened the door i started walking down the hall way i when i here this weird voice call my name jesse i turned arouned to see this guy who was wereing a mask with a bule brownish hoodie and some stupid looking goggles was walking towards me hay how you doing bro thats what he said he twitched all over i responded with what. His eyes widened you never talk to me i said my bad. Then he hugged me it was very uncomfortable thats your name Toby he said o thats a cool name is what i responded with but could you get the hell of me nope why not would you to shut the fuck up some kid looked to be at least thirteen with a white hoodie came out of his room he then pulled off his hood he had a large smile cut in to his face and drak black circles around his eyes thay seemed to never close but oddly enuff it did not shock me i finally stopped looking at him and said fucking make me bitch i had no idea why i said but it just came out then he just started laughing im going to make you regret those words you fucking little shit then he pulled a knife out it look like just an ordinary kitchen knife and then he lunged at me  i thought i should run but instead for some reason i pulled out a large knife
and ran at him and. Then we were going at it i hit him in the ribes then he stabed me in the shoulder i thought it would cause a lot more pain but i dident even fill it i picked him up by his neck then through him out the window i wonted to stop and say i was sorry but then i jumped out the window .Its like my body had a mind of its own i pulled the knife out of my shoulder and said some thing dark and just plain evil im going to put you in a fucking coffen you fucking joker reject the boy stood up and said jesse its time for you to go to sleep!he ran at me with another knife where the hell did he pull that from i then stabed him in the leg then the chest and he fell to the ground i thought i killed him but he got on one Ken then stood up again. That all you got you son of a bitch jeff stop it we both turned to this little gerl with a pink nightgouned on she ran towards jeff i think thats what she said and then she jumped in his arms why are you fighting Jesse he responded whith he started it i did not you jerk is what i said then she told him to let her down he said. Ok o and dont ever get in the way of one of my fights. Again or ill fucking kill you she got tearey eyed and yelled lulu help jeff is being mean this gerl with pig tells came out of the house jeff stop being a jerk to Sally and come inside but this ass hole is the one who was being a dick i was not is what i said if you to dont stop your bitching you'll give us all a head ache i tured to the window that i threw jeff out of this guy with an all black hoodie and blue mask was standing there he jumped from the whindow and landed on his feet ej would you not make a biger hole in the window is what lulu said ya my bad he started walking towards the porch yo jeff kick his ass so i can kick yours shut the fuck up jack well if you don't ill kick both of your asses well just try it and see that happens o thats right you dont have any eyes jack pulled a scalpel out and jumped over the railing on the porch he then
rushed jeff fuck you. You dame clown jeff responded with blinded bitch o ya jack repoded whith reject jeff reponeds with  loser so i just walked to  the porch and sat with Sally she had a pbandj sandwich and smiled at me i smiled back at her so do they all ways do this no not all the time is what Sally said. So is there some thing wrong with those to no whats just how thay act is what she said why. Sally responeds with your older how should i no o the fights about to end what how can you tell they will most likely have a draw of end up getting tired and give up you did just throw jeff out a window did you not ya well its his fault he was talking a lot of shit ya but as soon as mr. Slender gets home your all screwd jeff and jack stoped fighting o crap ej said fuck jeff said what is it shes right if slendy sees that big ass hole in the wall hill punishment is not going to be good. We got to fix that window. Jesse your helping come on lets go

Thats all for now evey one tell next time

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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