Still here

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Timothy exhaled as he closed the door behind him. You poked your head out of the kitchen door and waved at him.

"Good evening" he lifted his head and smiled at you. He was slouched over, rubbing his left elbow softly with his right hand. You quickly scurried around and put away several plates then rushed out the door to talk to Tim.

Timothy had taken a seat on the couch, he led back while looking up at the ceiling with a blank stare.

"Hey" you said softly, taking a seat next to him.

"Hi ya" he smiled and fixed his posture. He scooted along to get nearer to you.

You placed your hand on his, he felt so cold. You saw his eyes bloodshot and strained from stress and restlessness."are you ok?" All that followed from your question was silence, he looked around the room awkwardly.

"Who am I to you?" he turned back to you and tilted his head.

You placed your hand on his jaw and ran your fingers across it gently. He had the striking features of Jack but his his gentle nature didn't match this. He was the opposite to jack in every way, kind, understanding and patient.

"You're Tim" you brought your legs up on to the couch and kneeled down on them. You looked up at Timothy and his sparkly mis matched eyes. You placed your head on his chest and tried to take in how amazing he was, you were so lucky and his question made you reminisce in your past memories with him and how lucky you were to have met Tim.

He placed a kiss on your head and held you tight. He sighed "I'm not him though" his voice cracked mid sentence, making his nose and cheeks glow red.

Timothy was under a contract that meant he couldn't use the name Timothy and therefor had to go by "Jack" for a period of 30 years following his reconstructive surgery. However, if Jack passed then his name would be dropped and he would go back to Timothy to make sure  he didn't cause defamation or the spread of false information about handsome jack.

Timothy was pretty unfortunate, he was known for his bad luck. But despite the world being harsh on him he still managed to carry on without a trace of spite or bitterness in his body.

"Sometimes it's a little confusing when you're stuck with a infamous dead psychopaths face" he laughed and shook his head. You pulled away from him and pulled a half smile.

"Oh Timothy" you brushed the stray hairs away from his face and placed a kiss above his lip. "You're really strong you know, you'll always remember who you are no matter what.

Tim blushed and nodded, he looked down and smiled. Softly, he held your back and guided you on to his chest so you could lay down on him. You ran your fingers through his hair and planted kisses all over his delicate face as he squinted and smiled. He gently rubbed your back and pulled you in for a kiss. He was so gentle. He kissed you softly on the lips until you pulled away and kissed him on the side of his right lip and then kissed his nose.

"I uh-" he stalled for a moment and went bright red "I love you, a lot".

Still here, Timothy "Jack" Lawrence x reader Where stories live. Discover now