Chapter one

18 1 14

Third person p.o.v

Alex, Ty and Kiki was sitting at a picnic table at their school during just chatting away.

"Oh by the way, how is the life of dating Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook?" Ty and Alex blushed making Kiki laugh.

"Its actually pretty fun!" "Mhm! What about you and Haechan?" The two smirked at Kiki knowing that she would see him whenever she got the chance.

Kiki pouted and crossed her arms and was about to say something but Jihee and her little group interrupted, "they're still dating you losers?" Chaewon and Daeun laughed and Ty stood up and glared at them.

"Don't you bitches need to be somewhere?" "Maybe I dunno hopping onto every guys dicks?" I covered my mouth at Alex's remark and Jihee glared at her. "We do NOT go to every guy to hop on their dick!!" "You say what you want to believe, we say what we want to believe".

Jihee crossed her arms and glared at Kiki "could you keep your damn group to be a bit more mature?" "We have to hop on dicks to?! Oh yikes I don't want to be mature" "KIKI!!" Ty and Alex laughed and Kiki shrugged.

"Honest truth!" Jihee huffed and stormed off with her two friends "MAKE SURE TO KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED!!!!" Ty shouted after them and Alex sighed, "we are so rude to them" "they started it" "hm true, anyways come on so we aren't late for class".

They were walking to class when Jiwoo ran up to them "guys, twenty girls were called to meet up in the gym and you three were apart of that group" "wait we have to excersice??? Can I sleep instead?".

Jiwoo let out a small laugh and shook her head "no, I don't know what exactly is going on but we gotta go" Jiwoo skipped off to the gym and Ty and Alex exchanged looks to each other and then looked at Kiki. "Should we follow?" "Jiwoo couldn't lie, even if her life depended on it, you guys are being weaklings" Alex and Ty glared at Kiki and she shrugged and went after Jiwoo.

The two girls had no choice but to follow along.

Kiki's p.o.v

We entered the gym to see about fourteen other girls there, "yah, Jiwoo, didn't you say there wa-".

"I am so sorry to keep you all waiting! But the queen is finally here!!" Ty groaned hearing Jihee's voice "I forgot they were gonna be here" I giggled at Jiwoo's statement when Jihee screeched making all the girls look at her.

"WHY ARE THEY HERE?!" Jihee glared at us and I crossed my arms glaring back at her, "nice to see you to Jihee" "I refuse to do anything with them!!".

"Ahem, Jihee if you are done with your fit I like to make an announcement" we all turned to the middle to see our principal standing there.

"Now that you all are here, there will be a trip to a hotel, forty kids will be there and do not worry we booked the whole entire hotel for a while, you all will be going there right now, so everyone to the buses".

We all got confused but followed the principal anyways onto the buses. We all got in our seats and Ty, Alex and I sat In the back so we got to sit together.

"What's all this about?" Ty shrugged "whatever it is I don't have a good feeling about it, like why isn't the principal coming onto the bus?".

Alex had a good point, the principal was outside the bus and he was talking to a few teachers and he finally got on but only to make an announcement.

"Now, once you all get the the hotel you must get your rooms key, understandable? Any questions?" A few girls raises their hands.

"Yes Eunji?" "If there's forty people how come there's only twenty right now?" The principal smiled and nodded "there is forty students in total, twenty girls and twenty boys, the boys will be sharing the same hotel as you girls but don't worry, boys and girls can't share the same room, and the boys will be there ten minutes after you guys get there".

"Chanmi" "How come you aren't coming along? And what about our parents? Shouldn't they know about this?" Everyone started to talk about Chanmi's last question.

"If I just leave without my parents knowing about this then I'm in deep shit" "my mom will whoop my ass if she doesn't find this out".

I agreed with Ty Alex but I kept quiet 'why does the principal seem suspicious? And why does it need to be forty people?'.

Third person p.o.v

"Everyone settle down!!" Everyone got quiet and the principal frowned "your parents are notified about this, do not worry, and there will be clothes and food and all that in the hotel rooms for you all, now you must be going now, goodbye everyone" he paused for a minute then said something else which shocked everyone.

"And stay alive".

The principal then got off the bus and the bus driver closed the door and drove off.

Everyone started talking about what the principal said and Alex groaned "I don't like this anymore, I'm texting my mom" Alex put her hand in her pants pocket but she looked shock "what's wrong?" Kiki and Ty gave her a confused look and Alex checked her other pockets.

"I don't have my phone" all the girls heard Alex and tried checking their bags and pockets but no one had their phone. "You all are idiots" "excuse me?" Ty looked at Jihee and Jihee giggled "the principal had someone take everyone's phones, it sucks I do have to say but oh well".

Ty and Alex looked at Kiki and Kiki shrugged "I don't believe her either but, what other reason could there be? Everyone can't just drop their phone on accident, and no one can just leave their phone in plain sight or something, someone did take our phones, and it's something we need to deal with, but the real question is, why would the principal take our phones?".

No one knew the answer to that question.

And no one did not want to know the answer.

Hello everyone! This is my first horror story so I'm pretty excited to be working on it!! Two of my friends are characters in this story so I wanna give shoutouts to them
Alex is _MyGoldenMaknae_
And Ty is Prince_Tyler_
Make sure to check those accounts out!!
And I will continue on with the nasty words you seen here, so if you do not like it or you feel uncomftorable please don't continue on with the book!

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