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Jimin slowly lean his face on the beautiful face of his wife.Jungkook who earlier busy with reading a book,whipped when he felt jimin breath fanning his cheeck.Then jimin pull the book that jungkook was holding and put it away.He then wrapped one of his hands' around jungkooks' waist and pulled him closer to him.

Slowly jimin crashed his lips on jungkook cute pouty lips.Jungkook then was just sitting quietly because he didn't know how to react with that kiss.Actually jungkook was a innocent boy who doesn't know how to play back or how to respond to that kind of things.So because of that jimin was pissed off.So he released jungkook from his embrace and leave him there and said.

"I have a task for you to do...As long as you dont know how to respond to my kisses,dont ever talked to me..have your own way on how to deal with these task.."burst jimin while smirking evilly before leaving his baby wife alone.

After a week..

jimins' pov.

It has been a week since I give him a task like hell to do for the innocent boy who can't do bad things.Also im always hanging out with my friend at the nearby cafe to my bungalow. Jungkook might thought that I abandoned him because i always left him alone at our house.

But What if he is struggling and takes it seriously with what i have told him to do.'cause it seems like he looked so down, thinking of it.

"am I that cruel?"

jungkook pov

Jungkook was sadly sitting on his bed while hugging his legs.It feel like he was abadoned by his own husband.After that,he went to meet his friend at the park neary their bungalow.
After a few minutes, when he reached the park,his friend was already there waited for him.

"so,what going on?ask yugyeom concerend with his glommy friend.At first jungkook was silent,Then he bursted out with his teary eyes and shivered voice.

"How can I returned kissed?can you find someone to teach me how to kiss in passion and seductive way?"bursted jungkook seriously.Then yugyeom was shocked with that."wasn't your jiminie a Pro in those kind of things plus he is a great kisser right?"

Then jungkook was just silently and tilted his head down and looked at the ground.Slowly his tears began to fall down."he also always came back home late these week..maybe he is bored with me and went to find someone else to have fun with". Then yugyeom smack his shoulder and was angry at him"jeonkookie how could you think like that!"

End pov.

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