14: Fake

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Friday came too fast. “C’mon Jaiden!” Gracie pounds on my door at 8am. I groan and roll out of bed to open the door. She’s stood there with Harry and all their stuff ready to go.

            “Is it necessary to leave this early?” I whine while getting my stuff ready and grabbing clothes to change into.

            “Yes! It takes a few hours to get to the beach so then we’ll have a good chunk of the day there!” I roll my eyes and leave for the bathroom to change. I slip on my favorite pair of denim shorts, a sheer black tank showing off my Aztec print bandeau swim top underneath. Returning to the room I find only Gracie. “Harry is loading the car!” She is wearing a white t-shirt with her bright blue halter swimsuit peaking through over light wash shorts.

            “Hair help,” I pout. Gracie finger combs my long brown hair and gathers it into a loose side braid. “Thanks,” I smile at her, grateful for her help. I skip make up and grab my bag to leave.

            “They guys are meeting us there,” Harry informs me in the car on the way to the beach. I slip my aviators over my eyes to block the sun and try to sleep to pass the time. A while later I feel the car stop. “Jai, wake up. We’re here!” My twins voice is loud in my ears. I step out of the car to be greeted by the heat of the sun, and I smile. I’ve always loved living in the sunshine. Next to us Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael are pilling out of a small silver car.

            “Hey guys!” Ashton yells. We all make our way to the sand and start setting out towels. I am really not much help, only having the use of my left arm and all. I feel awkward when everyone starts to take off articles of clothing leaving them in their swimsuits as I sit struggling to get my sling off.

            “Here,” I look up and see Calum kneeling down next to me. He gently helps me slide my sling off from around my neck and arm.

            “Thanks,” Calum turns his gaze out to the ocean so as not to stare at me while I slowly take off my shirt, careful not to disrupt my right arm too much, and shimmy out of my shorts. I decide to leave my sling off for a while so I don’t get a wacky tan line. I am the last one down to the edge of the water. I watch my friends run around and swim, while I plant my butt in the shallow water. Off to the right in the distance I spot a surfer. I watch as he uses his board to cut through a wave, a second later his head pops up next to the flat surface. He swims towards shore getting closer and closer. Calum and Michael’s gaze are fixed on him as well and when Calum speaks I understand why. “Niall!” he yells catching his attention. His figure detaches the board from his ankle and makes his way over to our group. My eyes find his and grow wide with shock. Niall plays it cool and completely ignores me.

            “Hey guys!”

            “What are you doing out here dude?” Harry asks. Everyone’s attention is now on Niall a few feet away in his skintight wetsuit. His blonde hair is matted against his forehead sending water droplets cascading down the side of his cheek.

            “This is where I surf sometimes.”

            “I didn’t know you surfed.” The words tumble from my mouth before I can stop them. Niall chuckles but answers.

            “I learned a few months ago. I come all the way out here to clear my head and for better waves.”

            “Sick. Since you’re here you should stay and hang out with us for the day!” Michael chirps. Harry sends him a death glare but Michael ignores it. I’m still seated in the water, hugging my bum arm to my body. My eyes shift to Gracie’s and she just shrugs.

            “Yea, why not.” Niall accepts the offer. “I’m gonna run to ma car ta change!” with that he splashes out of the shallow water and up the sand to a shiny black SUV. When he returns he’s dressed in only black swim trunks with white edging standing out on his pale skin. I suck in a breath at the sigh of him shirtless and pray to god no one heard it.  

Hours later we are all gathered up on the beach around a bonfire in the dimming sunlight. As it had gotton cooler I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a gray sweater I brought. I was in a talk with Gracie when Harry abruptly grabs my wrist and pulls me away.

            “What the hell?”

            “I think you should get to know Calum more.” He drags me towards where he and Niall are talking. Shit.

            “Uh Haz, I really don’t think that’s a good idea I-“ start to protest but we arrive at the two boys.

            “Cal I think you and Jaiden should talk. You guys both play the same position in soccer!” He smiles, clearly proud of himself. I stand there awkwardly between Calum and Niall, waiting for someone to say something.

            “Do you want to take a walk with me?” Calum directs his question to me. I agree politely.

            “Look Calum,” I start once we are a ways away from the group. “I know my brother is trying to set us up and you seem like a super sweet guy but I-“

            “Niall told me,” I am in shock at his words.

            “He did?”

            “Yea, I’m his best mate. He tells me everything!” I nod in understanding, wishing I could tell Gracie about this. We continue down the beach with the water kissing our feet. “We could fake it.”

            “Huh? Fake what?”

            “A relationship. Like today just being on this walk is convincing Harry that we could start something. We go back and look like we are getting closer and start spending more time together, that way it’ll take any focus he had of Niall and you off his radar.”

            “Calum, I don’t want to use you like that. I don’t even know how Niall would react, I appreciate it but it’s risky.”

            “It was his idea. I told him that Harry kept mentioning you to me and that we would get along, and he suggested it.” My mouth forms a ‘O’ shape as I think. It would be a good distraction.

            “As long as you’re ok with it?”

            “I’m fine.” He gives a smile showing off rows of perfect teeth. “I know how much you mean to Niall, I’d do anything for him.”

            “You’re a really great guy, Calum.” We start walking back to the group who has started to pack up the cars. I see Niall already walking away to his car to leave. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and send a quick text to him, “So how planned was your trip to the beach today? ;)” His reply is quick, “Pretty planned. Cal told me. But I do actually surf here.” I make a mental not to ask him about that next time I see him. The goodbyes start and I get to Calum last. “I’ll see you later then?” I ask just loud enough for Harry and Gracie to hear.

            “Definitely!” He gently gives me a hug. I feel uneasy about this situation but hopefully it works.

sooo yea. That happened. I probably won't be updating for a couple of days as I have project due monday and with it being Easter weekend a whatnot :) Hope you guys liked this lil twist xo -Rachel 

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