angel of death

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I was the monster that saved your life. I became the animal that guarded your home. I am your greatest accomplishment. Your greatest sin. You started out as my mother. Bringing me to life. You became my lover, my angel. But now the rain falls and I watch as you slam the sickle down on my neck. A single tear falls down my cheek. Cold, so cold. I feel your blade bite into my flesh. All alone I whisper goodbye. Into oblivion do I fall. Falling towards a ground that has no bottom. Where did you go? My angel to show me the way? I search for your wings, and find only feathers strewn on the ground. I search for your light and see only blackness. I listen for your voice and hear only the roaring silence screaming at me, shes not here, shes not here. I fall to my knees, and claw at my face. Ripping bloody gauges into my flesh. Tears and blood mix as I rip my illusions away. My sins begin to

fall one by one. Through the red haze a figure steps forward. It is death. Hidden behind his cloak he points a bone white finger at me and says its my time. I bow before this almighty lord and offer myself to him. ll I ask is that you make it stop. These nightmares that haunt me when I'm awake. He reaches down for me and the world seems to slow down. Bleeding from my wounds I see my life flash before my eyes, but all I can see is you. When we first met, the sweat and the laughs. The times at the park where the world was nowhere but in your eyes. When you left and I first saw the pit I was falling into. A sound echoes across the lies and enters this realm. Tha thump. Tha thump. A heart beat I hear. Strong and proud. Somewhere inside me something is growing, awaking from a slumber. Coming back to the world a howl rips from my ravaged throat. Flinging blood, sins, and deceit. Death takes a step back, I can smell his fear. I don't know whats going on

but I will not fall. My hunt isn't over yet. As each sin drops from my body a blessing is born. As I learn to see past the lies does my vision return. My light shines through and banishes deaths shield leaving him standing before me. It's you. Not a him a her. My angel. My knees buckle and I hit the ground. With new senses I feel the truth. You were death for me all along. You were trapped here all alone and just wanted some one to join you. Tears flood my face my chest heaves with sobs that rack my frame, I cant breathe. This can't be real. You reach down and touch my cheek. It dies when you touch It the flesh Turing black and rotting. Black blood oozes from it like tar. I recoil and you just look at me and smile. Cuts begin to cover your face, as blood drips down I look into your eyes into your pain. Inside them I embrace madness. Inside them am I reborn. A white wolf against a night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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