As a note before you read the tutorial, more images are listed on the website. Linux Manjaro is a use friendly operating system, great for gaming and is aesthetically pleasing with sharp icons. Manjaro is easy to install and once installed runs quickly without any errors, this makes it perfect for gaming as the OS will not eat up your performance. Coming from a Mac background and having extensively used windows I can freely say that I prefer Linux Manjaro over both, considering that some aspects of Windows and Mac are proffered. However, without any further ado here is the installation & set up tutorial for a Linux Manjaro Virtual machine.
How to install Linux Manjaro:
1. First you need to download Oracle Virtual box. Download the windows host if you are on windows or the Mac host if you are on Mac. If you are on Linux or Solaris download the respective host. Here is the link to Virtual box's website: As of July 2017 5.1 is the newest.
2. Now you need to install the software. Double click the installer and the wizard will guide you through the steps required to install Oracle Virtual box onto your machine.Now a .ISO (.DMG can be found when using Mac) file is required, download one from the internet, make sure you download a 64-bit version if you are on a 64-bit machine if you are on a 32-bit machine download the 32-bit version of the operating system.Here is the link to Linux Manjaro 16.10.3, version 17.1 is unstable and version 16.10.3 works well**. You can upgrade from 16.10.3 to 17.1 if you want. Here is the address, it will auto download:
4. This will take a while to download, it is an operating system after all. Once it is done do not open it! Move it to a folder on your desktop called "VM".
5. Now start up Oracle Virtual box, click the blue star in the top left hand corner titled "New".
6. Call it "Linux Manjaro" it will automatically select the correct type for the two fields below, Click next, Now select the amount of ram you want to devote to the VM, never give it more that 50% of your ram or your host machine will crash and make you have to start again :(
7. Click next and it gives you the option to choose a disk type. You want to "Create a Virtual hard disk now". Click create, select VDI (Virtual Disk Image), click next.
8. Now you are granted with two choices. Dynamically sized VDI or a Fixed size. A dynamic VDI will get bigger as the need arises and shrink as you use less space. A fixed size VDI will stay the same size. I suggest you select Dynamically allocated, if you have less storage available I suggest you choose fixed.
9. Click next, now you can choose the size the disk starts with, use the recommended.
10. Click create.
11. Now at the top banner click the cog called "Settings", click advanced in the window you are in there are two tabs that say "Disabled" change those to "Bidirectional", this means the host machine and the VM can interact to some extent, if you are testing what malicious files can do, please, select disabled or there is a chance your host machine will get infected.
12. Now on the left click "System" and untick the box called "Floppy" at the top click "Processor" and click the box called if the box called "Extended features" is unticked, tick it.
13. Now on the left click "Display" increase the "Video memory to what you want (as long as it is in the green zone), I suggest around 70mb, if you have a laptop, if you have a beefy over clocked desktop or Imac then you can use more... in general the more you have the more you can use. Also click the box called "enable 3d acceleration".
14. Click storage, select the tab under "Controller: SATA", now move to attributes, next to the tab called "SATA port 0" there is a small icon. Click it and move to the folder with a green arrow pointing upwards. And navigate to your .ISO or .DMG file, click the file and click open.
15. Now at the bottom of the screen there is a tab called "OK" click it.Now at the top ribbon you can click the green arrow called "START", your VM will now start. Be patient it will give you a lot of black screens if your host machine is not super powerful.
16. Then you are set.
17. The next process is to set up your Linux, since that is customizable you can choose what to do. If you are not very sure as to what to do YouTube it, there are plenty of great tutorials.
** the 17.1 version will not let you any further that the BIOS or UEFI, meaning that choosing 16.10.3 can be used and then later upgrade.
This is how it is done on a VM, however the process on a real computer is very similar. i suggest getting a USB and burning the operating system onto it, then following the installation and choosing you hard drive as the storage location for the final OS. since i have never myself installed this OS on a real computer, only having helped and watch a person I know do it.
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