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It's late at night, Justin is in his room with his precious little baby boy lying in bed just looking at the ceiling. 

The room they're in is Justin's old room -really its still his room- on the ceiling above is filled with stars that glow in the dark. each star has a different meaning, every time something happens to Justin, good or bad, he would have his mom go buy a star, tell her what size he wants it to be. his mom will then go buy it and give it to him so he can put it up. Samantha his mother thinks that it is so adorable for him doing it.

The first time he started doing the stars on the  ceiling was when he kissed a boy for the first time.

It happened in second grade when he kissed the boy. Justin was just sitting on the bench outside on the playground during recess coloring a panda,when a boy just sat next to him. Justin never saw him in his classroom so Justin just thought that he was in an  other class. Justin didn't want to be mean so he just let him be there, even though he wanted to be alone.

Justin was gonna ask why he was there, but before he could he had other lips on his. Justin didn't know what to do, because he just kinda froze, but soon on Justin kinda liked it, but he still pulled back no matter what.

Before he could ask anything, the boy ran away. Justin didn't get his name until they we're in sixth grade.

Turns out his name was Nick and he had a crush on him for the longest.

Justin and him soon became friends right after Justin figured out why he did it.

Justin knew nick liked him which brings him onto the same sized star that is next to it.

That star represents the time Justin and nick started dating.

Justin looked at his adorable son who was smacking him in the face to get his attention.

Justin grabbed his small wrist holding it in place.

"What is it baby?" Justin said while smiling to Alex.

"Wove 'ou" Alex said then snuggling into his fathers side.

Justin smiled at his three year old, and kissed his small forehead.

"Daddy woves you too" Justin said as he held he's son.


Nick's gonna bring drama just a heads up.

But I'm safe its getting sunny here.

Love y'all! 💖

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