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Honestly, I don't know when was the exact time I was created. Maybe I've always been there. Inside him. Just waiting to be awaken. Or perhaps I was born from his fear, his loneliness and his unconscious desires. No matter, what I know is that I'm here. Breathing and living inside of him. Sometimes I just watch. Mostly, I just sleep and leave him alone. However, there were times when I take over.

Like times like this, he was being chased by his bullies again. He was trapped and has nowhere to go. His bullies smirked and mocked him. They said that he didn't deserve to be a prince of their kingdom, that he was weak and useless. I could feel it. How his heart was breaking and being crushed by their words. I feel angry. They have no right. If they only knew how it felt like to be in our place. My eyes narrowed. I hate them. They readied themselves to attack him. When they launched their attacks, I took over. Returning their attacks easily. Their eyes widened in surprise and then they run away. I smirked. How pathetic. Acting so cowardly when just a few minutes ago they were so arrogant.

Making sure that there was no one else in here and that we were safe. I relented control to Shi- my counterpart. Coming to his senses, he looked around. He was confused. I chuckled. Of course he is. Whenever, I'm in control. He couldn't remember anything that I did. It's the opposite for me though. I always remember what he did.

*Yawns* I'm sleepy now, I hope Shi wouldn't get in any trouble while I'm asleep. I really didn't like being waken up so suddenly. It's so annoying. Especially when I'm dreaming about a certain princess. Oh, yeah Shi didn't know but we've made a friend. Not from our tribe though. The children here annoy me. So, I went to the mortal realm. Hoping to find someone there. Which I did but someone unexpected. Someone that wasn't supposed to be there too.

I met her when I was in a forest. It was so peaceful but then it was ruined by her scream. Following the direction of where the scream came from. I found her stuck in a mud pit, slowly sinking. I helped her get out and that's when we became friends.

She was stubborn, feisty and an energetic girl. It suits her. I knew I shouldn't get close to her especially when I noticed her outfit and the symbol on her forehead. She's from the Fire Clan. Our enemy. But she was so cute and she was also lonely. I could tell. So I ignored the warning bells in my head and befriended her. Her name? Yan Da. Yes, the only princess of the Fire Clan. I don't care though. I like her. She's honest and sweet.

However, she doesn't know that I'm from the Ice clan. I disguised myself before I went to the mortal realm. Wearing a mask and normal human clothes. So to her, I'm just a normal mortal she has befriended. To her I'm Yun Fei.

In reality, I'm the embodiment of Prince Ying Kong Shi's inner most feelings and honest desires. My name is...

Li Tian Jin.

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