chapter 9: did you really kiss me?!

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- jimin pov -
i saw momo and jihyo innthe canteen then suddenly momo fainted i run to her and check if she is ok.
"momo are you ok?" me
"let's bring her to the clinic!" jihyo
i carried her in a piggyback style and then i run to go  to the clinic
minutes later
"she's okay you can go back to your class now" doctor
"but she's the same class with us" me
"then will you wait for her to wake up?" doctor
then momo woke up
"she's already awake" me
" can take her with you now" doctor
"thank you doctor" me and jihyo

- momo pov -
where am i? what happened? is class starting now? then i wake up to see what's happening when i woke up i'm in the clinic.
"she's awake already" jimin
why did something happen to me?
"thank you doctor" jimin ans jihyo
then we walk out the clinic then were in the hallway walking
"what happen to me?" i sak while walking
"you fainted in the canteen" jihyo
"are you ok now?" jimin
"yes it just something happened to my brain and eyesight then i become dizzy" me
"ah really" jihyo
"can i ask you jimin later in dismissal in the rooftop" me asking jimin while wispering because jihyo might hear it and go to the rooftop
"why?" jimin
"what are you two talking about" jihyo
"nothing just a private matter" me lying to jihyo
"ok" jihyo
we got into our room and then classes continue then dismissal so as i said earlier me and jimin will meet at then rooftop then i wait for him in the rooftop then i saw him
"ummm........about last night how did you meet mom again? how did mom know you? do i have any past relationship with you? like friends? childhood friends? bf and gf? i know your asking to yourself why are you doing this to me momo" me
"oh it's ok but the things you ask you need to overcome your amnesia and remember things" jimin
"i knew it you won't answer me" me
"sorry😮" jimin
"but last question......did" me
"why are you asking me if it's true" jimin😆
"ah.....WAIT WHAT IT'S TRUE!!!" me
"i know i'm straightforward i just want to be honest since there's no wrong answer" jimin
"ok but i was shocked your so straightforward" me
me covering my face because i'm blushing then suddenly jimin hold my waist and hug me tightly.
                              - to be continued -

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