Chapter 1.

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The year 3126, today Sonic and his friends plan to take down Eggaman. A. K. A. Dr. Robotnik!

"You guys Ready?" Said Sonic while goofing around.

"Sonic, can you ever be serious?" said Tails getting annoyed as ever. "This is a serious mission, Sonic."

"I know, I know! Geez just calm down." He said feeling underappreciated. "Have faith in me buddy. I know cause a lot of problems sometimes, but it always turns out okay in the end."

"Sometimes he said, My ass" Said Knuckles muttering to himself.

"What did you say asswhole?" He said getting up in Knuckles' face.

"Calm down! You damn idiots. We don't have time for this sort of thing right now." Said Tails cutting in between them while getting more and more pissed off. "Look, I found a rout that we can get in without getting cought. I'm going to be with Amy at the rendezvous point. Sonic, you take this way. Its easy and it's faster to get in. Knuckles, I want you at stand by, you understand?"

"Yeah." While sounding a bit disappointed.

"Good. I'm going to tell Amy that I'm on my way. You guys call me if anything happens, and Sonic. I'm going to keep in contact with you to give you the right routs to take that will be faster to take." Said Tails.


"Yeah Sonic?"

"I want to thank you for being a big help and being my best friend in the whole world." Said Sonic being sincere and kind to his friend.

"Are you saying that out of the goodness of your heart or your saying that cause you want me tell Amy something?" He said being blunt.

"A little bit of both..."

"Okay, just getting going, you idiot. I'll tell her the same thing as I always do."

"Thanks Buddy." Says Sonic before hr takes off running.

"Hey Amy, I'm heading over there now."

"Tails, did sonic say anything?" She said being a bit worried about him.

"He said, don't worry, my love! Eggman can't stop my love for you with his robot army and his ability to be as evil as he can be. Our love can bring justice and strength together to bring down the evil that lies ahead of us." Said Tails putting so much feeling to his words he always tells Amy for sonic even through that is not the exact words he would say to her.

"He said don't worry. I have everything under control. Right?" Said Amy being blunt with him.

"Yep, I'll be right there."

"Okay, Just promise me you'll stop making a big speach about it and I won't tell Cream you have a big crush on her." She said teasingly.

"How the hell do know about that?" He said freaking out and blushing madly.

"Its so obvious that you like her. When you are around her. Anyone can tell that you have a thing for her. You act like a big idiot with that smile of yours. Who can blame you. She's cute, loving, and brings everyone so much joy."

"Let me get something clear! Do I really look like an idiot?"

"Yes and a big one at that."

"Geez... Really?"

"Really, really and don't you need to get here? So nothing goes wrong on this mission?" She said while smirking.

"Oh gosh! I'm on my way right now. Can you check that they're doing alright over there?"



"Damn it, he's doing it again!"

"Oh no! don't tell me."

"Yep, he just loves a good fight."

"That idiot!" He said getting too frustrating to deal with it.

"That's my sonic for you."

"He's quite something, alright!"

"Yeah." She says while smiling and blushing.

As Sonic gets through destroying Eggman's robot he gets to the main rout that Tails told him to take. He gets to the main entrance to where Eggman is. He breaks the door down leading to where Eggman is. When he found him. Sonic will make him pay for all the things he did wrong over so many years. Sonic rushed in there not expecting more robots, but more bigger than before.

"Come at me, you fuckers!" He says at the top of his lug's. He takes them out one by one. Fighting as good as he was before, but even better. He then sees Eggman being as crazy as always.

"Its been awhile, Sonic." Said Eggman looking down on him. "I was wondering when you where going to show up. But finally you show and you destroy my precious creations. So now I will destroy you!" He said being as sinister as can. The battle between them took about 3 and a half hours for Sonic to defeat him.

"Damn... I... I thought I finally can defeat you! The same outcome has befall me once more. I should have known this was going to happen."

"You should always know how it ends. I always win and you always lose even through you always get back up and strip up trouble. the only thing a like about you that you don't give up. I just don't like how you do things. This time I'm going to make sure you don't do anything like this ever again."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?"

"No! I'm going to destroy everything you have ever made. Starting with this! What ever this is."

"No, don't!" He said with dread.

"Why? Is it one of your new invention?"

"No, Its something I've been working on since the past year. It is hiley dangerous! In the wrong hands it can couse mass destruction. To tell you the truth I don't know what will happen if it is in the wrong hands."

"So your saying you, right?"

"No you fucking idiot. You! No one can tell the outcome if anything happens to that reactor. So please put it down carefully!" He said pleading.

"Okay!" He said fakingly. He drops it on purpose to make sure it is destroyed.

"No you fucking fool! We are doom!"

"See nothin' happen so cool it, would you?"

Suddenly, a big black hole appears sucking in everything taking about 5oo acres of land. Sonic doesn't understand what he has done but, he knows that all of this is his fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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