The Truth

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Soon, that night turned into nights, it was like he had lived here for his entire life. Like the event where he left us never took place. My mother's bedroom had now been infiltrated by my father.

It was late at night and I couldn't sleep. I felt my legs drag myself of the bed. I felt my way through the pitch black darkness. I drew open the curtains, the full silver dish in the sky provide me with a limited amount of light. Just enough for me to see the outline of the door. I exited my bedroom, wondering down the hallway. In my mother's bedroom was a glowering light. Slowly and steadily, I creeped up to the open door. Inside stood my father, who was rummaging through my mother's desk, searching for something. 'Damn it, were did she hide it?!' Was this why he suddenly showed up after so many years? My mother's research? I stumbled backwards in fear, my weight making the floor boards creak. He stopped, 'Whose there?' His kindness disappeared, replaced by a warning and intimidating voice. I covered my mouth to stop an escaping whimper. As his thundering footsteps grew louder by the second, fear told my legs to go weak, my stomach to lurch and my heart pound quicker. I held my breath and closed eyes, wrapping my arms around my trembling body like a protective shield, the footsteps stopped in front of me. Gradually, I opened my eyes, I was face to face with terror. No longer were his eyes the blue like a cloudless blue sky, they were now a raging ocean, the wind blowing, making the waves larger and the ocean deadlier. His eyes were the rage of the ocean.

'Did you see?' he asked in a quiet voice but with a warningly tone.

'See what?' I managed quietly from my quivering lips.

'See what I was doing,' he snarled.

I said nothing, just looked him in the eye, 'Did you kill her?'

'Of course I did, but I don't want to be immortal, I need to be immortal. I was dying, so I asked your mother for her help, her research to become immortal, but she refused. Anger took over me and I killed her.' The confession struck me hard, I had let the same man into my house, the man who had heartlessly killed my mother. I stood there frozen to the spot, my father grabbed a knife out from his belt and stabbed me in the heart, 'Now you know the truth, I can't let you leave,' he whispered in my ear as he pulled the knife from my limp body. The dark red blood flowed out of my body. It oozes between my between my fingers as I cover my wound with a shaky hand. My vision became blurrier as my crimson nightgown turns darker and all I can see is the scarlet blood that once flowed in my veins.

Slowly the blood disappeared from my clothing, returning to my chest. The wound beginning to disappear as if something invisible was stitching it up. 'She choose you over me?!' he roared, his face an over ripe tomato. At shiver ran up my spine, this animal had killed my mother and now I had to return the favour.

My body had lost its strength long ago. My mind shattered and the rest of me followed suit. Without the hatred, I'd die, there isn't any part of me that feels anything else. Without it I'd be nothing, feel nothing, so why eat? Why sleep? Why continue to breathe? But I have the hate, my only companion in the wilderness we call existence. It is the fuel that keeps my heart pumping and brain ticking over. Revenge will come.

A fountain pen brimmed with silver plating lay near the door. Bit by bit, I inched my way towards it while anger clouded his judgement. The coolness of the silver plating greeted my hand, holding it like a dagger, I lunged forward. He turned just in time to see me and the pen, but he was too late. Flesh gave way to the pen, blood spurting out like a fountain from the fatal wound in his neck. His flaccid body dropped to the floor, the last thing he saw were my murderous eyes, before death came to claim him.


Just how much of my life was a lie? No matter how many I break, new ones form.

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