Endless Toture (War Season)

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4 years past.....

Maherendra Baahubali went through the prison, going past cells wkth the criminals and crime comiters but in the far end of the prison, behind the door of endless toture Baahubali can hear the screams and pleading from Bijjaladeva who was sentenced to totoure prison. He was not only punished for being a assistant for Bhalladeva but attempting to run away and meet the Tareaka kingdom who wished to dominate Maghizmathi kingdom. So he is being tortured in many different ways:

- being whipped by a whip 25 times a day

- given chillie powder and rice for 3 times a day

- being washed with ice cold water

- sleeping on a rocky surface.

All this torture happened just to get the truth of what he told the Trakeaka kingdom about the secrets of Maghizmathi. Just as Maherendra Baahubali was about to see Bijjaladeva he had an immeadiate order from his mother Devasena to come immeadietly to the war meeting room. Baahubali left immeadietly and found his 22 year old Namrah walkking to the war meetung room too, he asked her:

Baahubali: where are you going?

Namrah: oh grandma called me to the war meeting room to discuss something daaaaaaaaad......

Baahubali: but why woud she ask a 22 year old girl to come to a big war meeting.

Namrah: come on dad im old enough to do this and also skillful enogh too. We had this same disscusion 4 years ago but mum is just not in this one, im not being disrepectful though.

Baahubali: well OK your only called to the meeting its not like your grandma is gonna let you fight IN the war.

Baahubali smirks at her and she frowns back at him (just to let u know this frown means someone has really got up her nerves so baahubali WATCH OUT !!!!!!!!)

They both walked to the meeting room and discussed somethings and then they summned Bijjaladeva into the room......

Baahubali: so.... bijjaladeva what did you tell the opponent team.

Bijjaladeva: Nothing that will impress you low life.

Namrah: THATS IT YOU REALY WENT UP MY NERVES BY CALLING MY DAD A LOW IFE.(as she says it she runs up to Bijjaladeva and attempts to suffocate him but moves away when her Devasena said to move away).

Bijjaladeva got scared of his great grand niece as he thought she wouldnt be afraid to kill him with the bow and arrow she is holding(A/N yes she hasnt got her own sword YET but wait for a bit then youll see) and agreed to tell the truth.

Baahubali: so tell me what did you tell them.

Bijjaladeva: i told them how much army we you have and what kin of weapons you use.

Namrah: sorry for interrupting, but how muc army do they have if we have 50000.

Bijjaladeva:  150000

Everybody stared at him in astomishment and started planning. Baahubali suggested to put three large arrow shooting machines that shoot thousands lf arrows at once and also he used his dads strategies of using petrolified(if thats a word) material and set it on fire as it lands on the opponent team. They planned various more just as Namrah asked Devasena and Avanthika:

Namrah: can i go and fight IN the war too amma and pati.

Avanthika: you cant fight in a war thats too complicated.

Devasena: ofcourse she can go after all she has learnt everything she needs know for warfare and as future queen of Maghizmahi she HAS to witness it.

Namrah: see mum and dad you may think that im a girl and can not do anything....but..... i WILL make a difference and i WILL bring vjctoey to Maghizmathi.

Everyone was proud of her speech and said:

everyone: JAI MAGHIZMATHATHI!!!!!!!!!!!

The next day.......

Evryone began doing the poojas and all the rituals as well as set up all the weapons and prepare for the battle. When it was time for tje warriors to come and do the victory thingy Maherendra Baahubali came and cut his hand and used HIS blood to spray on the god wheras when Namrah came up she was askedmto cit the bulls head but instead she said:

Namrah: If my grandpa Amarendra Baahubali and Maherendra Baahubali used their blood then as the princess of Maghizmathi i will to 

and as she said "i will too" she ran her elagant and fair palm on to the blade of the knife and shot the blood on the statue of the god. and turne around and said:

Namrah: JAI MAGHIZMATHI!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd below also repeated after ber along with her royal family.

The war began shortly afterwards and Devasena,Avanthika,Baahubali,Sanga and Kattapa saw Namrahs skill in warfare and the way she fights and how she saves her people. The entire Maghizmathi kingdom was excited and after all all the army was being attacked and defeated the Treaka kingdoms king came and tried to attack Namrah, she fell to the ground and when Baahubali went to save her the king pinned him to floor and was about to stab him but to everyones suprise, even though Namrah had a broken leg she finished the bad king of with the sword that was given to her to use in the war (this is not the sword i was talking about earlier wait for a few more chapters) she sliced his head right of his body, blood sprayed all over her face and Baahubalis face too, he was siprised mlee than anyone becaise HIS daughter slayed the MOST evilest king in the entire kingdom. Just as she promised she had brought victory to Maghizmathi kingdom.

That night the whole kingdom was praising their princess as she has brought victory to them. In Namrahs room however was different she was being scolded at by her mum and dad because she broke her leg and they were being told to calm down by Devasena and Sanga. but then tjey were praising her.

A/N thank you for all your views and voting and please continue doing so and wait for the next chapter and keep reading and BTW this is my longest chapter so far 1028 words!

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