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I am jolted awake by the sound of car doors slamming. I rub my eyes softly and stretch out my sore muscles. My eyes flutter open and I take in my surroundings.

About a mile away is a massive building. Surrounding this building are six other smaller buildings, three on each side. The pathway that leads to the cluster of buildings is adorned with various blooming flowers. There is an arch at the beginning of the pathway, with a sign that reads "Breckinridge Academy" plastered above the arch. I feel a shiver run down my spine as I realize that this is my home for the next year.

"Come on, Troye. Check in is at noon and it's already 11:30. Plus, it's going to take a while to lug your bags all the way there," my mom says, a tone of annoyance buried in her speech. I sigh softly and force myself to get out of the car.

The sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping loudly, causing a slight headache. I wince at the light, my eyes still half asleep. I grab my bags from the open trunk and nearly drop it. My father glares at me, and I instantly snap back.

"What do you expect me to do? It's a heavy fucking bag," I retort. His eyes widen at my sudden outburst, and even I am a little shocked at myself.

He steps closer to me and grabs me by the collar. My body immediately tenses up.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that again, do you hear me? You're lucky that your mother and I care enough about your faggot ass to send you here. We could've just kicked you out. But no, we signed you up to get the fucking help your sick ass needs. So pick up your bag, and lets go," he says sternly. He drops my shirt and storms off down the path.

Tyde snickers and immediately follows after dad. My mother stands there, a look of shock in her eyes. I pick up the bag and walk past her, leaving her standing in the parking lot alone.

The walk to to the building is hell. The heat has significantly increased in the half hour it has taken me to get there. Between the heat and heavy bag, I am dripping in sweat.

My mother eventually makes it to the building and she signs me in. The woman at the front desk hands me a folder full of papers and sends me into a giant gymnasium. Tables are lined up within the gym, and several hundreds of kids have already flooded in.

My mom leads me to a table marked "Room Assignments." A short, chubby woman with a name tag that reads "Helen" grins at me rather uncomfortably.

"Hello there, love. What's your name, you sweet little cutie?" She asks in a cheery tone.

"Mellet. Troye Mellet," I say.

"Okay! You will be in room 124! Here is your key, love! Oh, and your roommate is going to be Connor Franta! Enjoy your day," she says excitedly. I force myself to smile back at her, and then we walk away.

Between all the tables, I am given my schedule, a Breckingridge Academy hoodie, and some more papers. Finally, I am allowed to go to my room.

I drag my bags outside and to the building that is called Dana Hall. Several boys are already sitting on the steps of the building, laughing and conversing. I catch myself staring at them a bit too long, part of me wishing I could be with them, and part of me wishing I could be them.

Tyde must have witnessed this because he comes up beside me and whispers "Don't worry, I'm sure they wouldn't be interested in such a scrawny twig like you anyways." I close my eyes and breathe in deeply, trying to ignore his words.

I finally manage to get my bags up the three flights of stairs and into my dorm. I open the door and find that it's empty, except for a few suitcases that are on one side of the room.

"Looks like Mr. Franta isn't here," my father says.

Great. The more alone time I have, the better. I think to myself.

"Well, we will leave you to unpack. We love you. Please, try and listen to them. We just want our normal son back. Call us, sometime," my mother says as she pulls me into a hug. I force myself to hug her back, even though I don't want to.

My father and Tyde also hug me, and then they leave. I watch them from the window as they head back to the van.

I begin to unpack my stuff and set up my room. It doesn't take me that long to put everything in its appropriate spot. Once everything is in order, I pull out the schedules they gave me.

My class schedule reads as follows:

1- Maths
2- Literature
3- Therapy A
5- History
6- Sciences
7- Therapy B

My daily schedule, however, is:
6:00 AM - Rise, get ready
7:00 AM - Breakfast
8:00 AM - Class 1
9:00 AM- Class 2
10:00 AM - Class 3
11:00 AM -Class 4
12:00 PM - Class 5
1:00 PM - Class 6
2:00 PM - Class 7
4:00 PM - Group Therapy (M, W, F)
- Sports (T, T)
6:00 PM - Dinner
8:00 PM - Hall check
10:00 PM- Get ready for bed
11:30 PM - Lights out

I groan at the intense schedule. I hate being controlled, and these schedules are pissing me off. I am relieved, however, to see that Saturday's and Sunday's are free time.

While I'm sitting on my bed, the door to our dorm room opens. I jump nearly five feet off my bed. My eyes immediately fall to his feet.

He is wearing a pair of black Toms, with a pair of black skinny jeans and a yellow and red T-shirt that reads "travel the reading highway."

My eyes follow up his thin frame to his face. His hair is chocolate brown, cut short. His nose is small and cute. His eyebrows are slightly bushy, but not unkempt. But what really throws me off are his eyes. His eyes are a mix between blue and green. The way they radiate causes my stomach to erupt into butterflies.

"Can I help you?" He asks in an annoyed tone. His American accent throws me off slightly. The butterflies immediately disappear, leaving my stomach with a knotted feeling.

"Uh- I, uh. No. I mean, hi. I'm Troye. Troye Mellet," I stammer out, a slight blush rising to my cheeks.

"Great, they assigned me to a fucking loser," he groans.

Great. There goes my once chance at actually having someone treat me decently. I think to myself. I lower my eyes to my wrists and begin playing with the rubber band. The feeling of the cool rubber between my fingers calms me down.

I slowly lift my eyes back up to the boy, and I watch him dig through his suitcases trying to find something. Eventually, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Without thinking, I say "I thought we weren't allowed to have cigarettes." He turns around abruptly and I quickly realize my mistake.

"Look here, shithead. Of course you're not supposed to have them. I'm not fucking stupid. But if I'm going to have to live with you for the next year of my life, I'm gonna have to have something to take the fucking edge off. And if you rat me out, so help me I will make your life a miserable hell hole," he snaps at me. A look of shock is plastered on my face. He throws open our door and slams it loudly.

I lay back on my bed and allow the tears to finally come out. How did I manage to make the one person who I thought I could get along with hate me in only five minutes?


Yes we finally have Connor! Can you believe how much of an asshole he is to Troye? I mean, damn! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it wasn't the best, but I promise that the next few will be far more interesting! Thank you so much for taking the time to read! Don't forget to vote, comment, and recommend this story to all of your friends! I love you all to the moon and back! - Zie

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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