Chapter Seven

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The cognizance of the appalling revelations and dreadful consequences had rendered the trio completely distraught. Their ability to think was in disarray, causing them to ponder solely over how destructive the following days can be for this family. It was the next day only that they all came back to their senses and decided to concentrate on dissipating the looming danger, instead of crying over what's yet to happen. 

They had come into conclusion of first meeting up with Aman and discuss the following plan with him, because he was the one mostly looking after Shyam and Anjali's movements outside the house. The meeting was however delayed, when a few eyebrows raised at the trio's sudden bonding, who were now spending most of the time in either one's room. 

Being reminded of the days where she was like this with Khushi during Arnav's kidnapping, Manorama had commented that with the serious look etched on their faces, they looked no less than a group of James Bonds and had asked whether they are up to something. Her remark was followed by a suspicious stare from Anjali and they had to laugh it off, before dispersing in their respective rooms with a nervous grin. 

It was the following day that NK coaxed Arnav into letting Khushi go on shopping with him and Payal, saying that she has been cooped up in the house for many days and needed some fresh air. The latter, wanting nothing more than Khushi to ease up a little bit, agreed without a second thought. With a tender kiss on her forehead, he had then sent her out with NK and Payal, taking that time to go and have some talk to his Di, who seemed pissed off since their last talk over the breakfast table.


Aman was as rattled as they had been, when Khushi narrated to him the odd behavior of Anjali, including the tale of her bitter tongue and venomous mind that seemed to be working way too hard these days.

"Are you sure it will be safe to keep it from the police?" He had asked as soon as Khushi finished talking and went on adding that if she is indeed this naive and gullible to whatever Shyam says and asks her to do, then she might try to attack anyone, at any time.

Khushi had to let out a long sigh at that. 

"I know. But I don't want to involve the police till we have some concrete evidences because as it is, if she's not at all involved in this, a huge drama is on the way once everything comes into the open. I don't want that to worsen." She had said, already starting to prepare herself for Anjali's accusations if she's indeed being wrongly blamed. And honestly, she preferred those accusations a hundred times more, over seeing Arnav crumbling down into dust.

They had then went on discussing a few essential aspects, taking into account the suspicious behavior of everyone since the day Shyam was thrown out and after being assured of the security around their house, Khushi, Payal and NK had left the cafe, to go to the nearest Shopping Mall to pick up a few things, not wanting to be subjected by Manorama's queries later when they enter the house empty-handed.

It was past afternoon when they returned home and it took all their might for them to pull up a smile on their faces before entering the hall.

"Look, here comes the queen after splurging her husband's money. What happened? Just a few days ago you were bragging about how much you care about Arnav Bitwa, now, just as you got the opportunity, you flew away to enjoy yourself, huh?" Manorama's cutting voice however spilled water on their efforts and NK and Payal halted in their tracks, looking back at Khushi who was long frozen when Manorama first started talking. 

NK watched, as after a moment of being taken aback, Khushi shook her head, shrugging off the hurt from her face, before resuming her walk, pretending as if nothing happened. That made him feel the burning emotion again and he looked at his Maasiji, with a derisive smile.

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