randomness yay!
i have no idea what Flame is doing here, maybe he had an itchy butt? And yes, that toy gecko is his girlfriend. (At least that's what he thinks!)
Aw! Sleepy-gecko-cuteness overload!!!!!
according to Flame, the laptop screen is a chill spot.
jeez my cat, Oscar, is lazy. Kinda like me...
my other cat, Tigger, who apparently didn't want his photo taken.
ARGH! THE END OF THE WORLD!!!! Just the end of the chair Velvet.
The glare of hatred. And a random cricket leg in the foreground. My lizard's vivariums must be like hell for insects. Flame's is hell for bananas.
Ah yes. That time when Flame learnt how to stick his fingers up from underneath an Argos voucher.
Oscar again. Do my cats spend all of their time sleeping?
at least my Nan's cat is awake some of the time.
And that concludes this chapter of randomness!