
20 1 2

January 26, 2014

" where are you taking me" , Raine looking at the strange man who was holding her hand leading her off somewhere skeptically.

"To my apartment" 

" wait what?!? i may be suicidal but I'm not easy." she tried to yank her hand from him but gripped her tighter but still gentle careful not to hurt her, she then tried to pry his fingers from hers after a few minutes of her unsuccessful tries she gave up frustrated.

" are you done?" he smirks down at her and she glared up at him and all he could do was chuckle, 

"asshole" she mumbled, he chuckled again, she hadn't realized they were in an elevator till she just look up at his beautifully grey eyes.


when the doors slid apart it showed a beautiful Victorian style penthouse, was breathtaking and it certainly took hers.

all Alexander could do was stare at her he hadn't realized before but she was quite beautiful not a beauty of a model or celebrity but a sort of classic beauty one that was very rare now of days it reminded him of someone he didn't want to reminisce on. She realized he was staring at her and she couldn't help but stare back but he soon realized he was staring and his eyes that were once beautiful and unusual silver turned hard and cold then he looked away and proceeded to enter the apartment but she hesitated thinking he would try to take advantage of her in her weak state.

" I may be an asshole but I'm not a heartless man, I'm not going to try to sleep with you I have some sort of self respect" he said bitingly at her and released her hand, she flinched at his tone

" I'm sorry " she mumbled " but you do have to sympathize with me your just some stranger I met on the roof while trying to kill myself its a bit much for me." she rambled

" take it as someone trying to do a good deed" he smiled at her not a smirk he gave her earlier but a genuine smile like he was really trying to help and not get into her pants.

"plus i can't just send a someone who was just about to kill herself off you may just go to the top of someone else building and we wouldn't want that would we."

" Thank you" she said maybe this was a sign maybe there was something else out there for her, maybe just maybe......

she shook he head what a cliche thing to think she thought.

" well since I'm not allowed to leave your supervision where am I supposed to stay" she looked up at him noticing an exceptionally handsome face looking down at her.

"well I'm glad you asked cause you will be staying here"

"here?! with you?! you don't even know me I could be some psycho murder and kill you in your sleep" she cried incredulously

" how old are you ten?" he asked at her

"well if you didn't want to stay here is there someone I can call like your parents or boyfriend?" she hadn't realized it but she completely forgot about carson's death ,the reason she was on that roof and it hit her like a wave it all came back to her, sobs began to rack her body and she began to sob uncontrollably she felt her knees going weak she thought she would fall to the ground if she wasn't engulfed in two big arms that soothed her. she buried her head into his chest and let it all go.

" shhhhhh its ok don't worry your going to be fine"

" would you know?" she hiccuped 

" I don't but i know your human and you bleed when you fall and you crash and you breakdown and it hurts but you'll heal " she looks up from his chest into his eyes " no pain last forever" he continued.

" are you my guardian angel?" she asked , he laughed

" No sweetheart people don't usually associate me with angels" he smirked then let go of her and began to lead her somewhere , she couldn't believe that someone like him actually wanted to help  such an estranged girl like her maybe he was her guardian angel after all and didnt know it . When they stopped they had stopped in front of a door he opened the door and said " this can be your room until you feel better or someone comes to pick you up"

she wanted to tell him that no one was coming to pick her up because she had no one from birth and the only person she had died because of her, she could feel a new set of tears coming on but she shook it off and all said was thank you and entered the room and closed the door she didnt feel like gawking at  how beautiful the room was she would do that in the morning and  took off her jacket and jeans and was left in a bra, underwear and her AC DC T-shirt a retired to bed.

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