Power Rangers Megaforce/Samurai the loss of a Megaforce ranger Chapter 10

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Carlisle walks out of Alice's room where he heads to his office where he gets Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, and Jasper together.

"What's up Carlisle", asks Jasper.

"With Emma here I want all of you to be on your best behavior. If any of you try to hurt her. I will have you out of the house for the day. Do I make myself clear", exclaims Carlisle.

"You got it dad", says everybody except Esme.

"I understand one hundred percent, but does she know the secret", asks Esme.

"Yes, we told her when she was first staying here", says Carlisle.

"That was seven years ago though, Carlisle", says Edward.

"Edward, just do as I say. That's all I ask", says Carlisle.

Back in Alice's room.

Alice is walking around when she hears Emma waking up. She calls Carlisle who walks into see Emma having a seizure.

"Esme I need my medical kit", yells Carlisle.

Esme arrives in Alice's room to see Carlisle giving Emma CPR.

"Carlisle, what happened", asks Esme.

"She started having a seizure", says Alice.

Carlisle sees Emma going back to her normal breathing. The others run into the room to see Carlisle, Esme, and Alice keeping a very close eye on Emma.

"What happened in here", asks Rosalie.

"Emma started having a seizure, just as Carlisle walked in", says Alice.

Emma slowly opens her eyes just as everybody, all except Alice, start to leave.

"Alice, is that you", asks Emma with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah Emma, it's me", says Alice softly.

"Did I fall asleep", asks Emma.

"You've been out for a while", says Alice.

Carlisle, Esme, and Bella turn around to see Emma waking up. Esme and Bella smile and Carlisle somewhat smiles.

"Hello Emma", says Bella.

"Hey Bella", says Emma.

"How'd you sleep", asks Esme.

"I slept great. I had a dream about my friends back home though", says Emma with a sad look on her face.

"What do you mean", asks Esme.

"Can we talk alone please", asks Emma.

"Of course", says Esme.

Bella and Carlisle walk out of the room leaving Esme and Emma to talk. When Bella and Carlisle are gone Emma tells Esme about her dream.

"Wow Emma, that's an amazing dream", says Esme.

"Thanks Esme. I just have this strange feeling that my friends will come and look for me", says Emma.

"Why don't you give them a call", asks Esme.

"They could track me and with my ex-friends Gia, Troy, Jake, and Noah around, I can't put my close friends Kevin, Mia, Emily, Mike, and Jayden in danger. I couldn't bear with myself if they got hurt because of me", says Emma.

"Emma, if you really want to protect them, then you need to talk to them", says Esme.

"Thanks Esme. I really feel like I belong here. It's feels like home and my extended family lives here", says Emma.

"So will you call them", asks Esme.

"I will, but it's a different time zone where they're at", says Emma.

"Give them a call. If you need anything, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen. Yikes it's already noon, I better get lunch together for you", says Esme.

"Okay. Can you, Bella, or Alice come and get me when lunch is ready", asks Emma.

"I'll have Alice come and get you", says Esme.

"Okay, I better call my friends", says Emma.

Emma calls Kevin who immediately answers.

"Emma is that you? I've been worried sick about you since you left. Where are you", asks Kevin.

"Forks, Washington. I'm with my extended family. I'm fine though Kevin. How are you and the other's doing", exclaims Emma.

"Their great. I miss you like crazy though. When are you coming home", asks Kevin.

"I miss you too Kevin. I just need to know if the threat has been taken care of ", exclaims Emma.

"Well after you left, we still went to school. Gia and the others weren't there. I have no idea what that meant, but I wish that you were here. I'm in the hallway here at school with Jayden and the others", says Kevin.

"I wish I was home too, but can you put Jayden on for a few minutes"exclaims Emma.

"Okay, here's Jayden", says Kevin.

"Hello", says Jayden.

"Hey Jayden it's Emma. How are you and the others doing without me? Can you get my school work for me", exclaims Emma.

"Slow down Emma. I'm doing great, the others say hi and yes I will get your school work for you. So when are you coming home", asks Jayden.

"Soon, I hope. You guys need to neutralize the threat first", says Emma.

"We will Emma", says Jayden.

"Thanks Jayden, I have to go", says Emma as she hangs up.

Emma then hears a knock at the door.

"Come in", says Emma.

Alice walks in and says, "Hey Emma lunch is ready".

"Thanks Alice", says Emma.

Emma grabs her crutches and she slowly walks out of Alice's room. Alice follows behind Emma, who safely makes it to the kitchen. Esme serves Emma some shrimp pasta and a mixed green salad.

"Thanks Esme", says Emma.

"You're welcome Emma", says Esme.

Power Rangers Mega Force/Samurai the loss of a Megaforce rangerWhere stories live. Discover now