Chapter 7: A Shock

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2 Years Later

   “Is that a new dress, [Name]?” Gavino asked as he handed you the small bag filled with fruit.

   “Si, Teodora gave it to me. Isn’t it beautiful?” You asked as you toyed with the fabric of the dress. When Teodora had given it to you, you thought it was far to beautiful for you, but she had insisted you have it. It was a long dress, and it was a beautiful red colour.

   “It is indeed. It is a shame that you have to wear it to perform such menial tasks, however.” He commented and you smiled slightly as you handed him the coins you owed him. 

   “I have no other chances to wear it, Gavino. I do not do much, you know.”

   “Si, I know. You should have other chances to wear it though. You should be wearing it to all sorts of events where people wear nice clothes and dance all night!” Gavino cried and you laughed at him. He was such a lovely man, he deserved somebody special.

   “Gavino, you are too kind! One day you will meet the right woman and you will both be so happy.” You told him before giving him a slight wave and leaving. 

   You walked quickly through the crowds of people, dodging each of them. You had to be back soon in order to change your clothes for your… appointment. If you missed it, it would be a while before you could rearrange it.

   As you reached La Rosa Della Virtù, you pushed open the door and placed the bag on a table before quickly running up the stairs to your room. You didn’t have time to talk with anybody, they would find the bag there.

   Checking the hall was clear, you quietly closed your door behind you.

   “He’ll be mad if I do not meet him… After he took the time out of his schedule…” You muttered to yourself as you reached under your bed and pulled out the clothes you had prepared. You quickly took off the dress and put on your clothes, a pair of ¾ length trousers which were baggy, but they tightened around the bottom, a baggy blouse which you tucked into your trousers, and a pair of boots.

   Dressed, you quickly locked your bedroom door before turning to the window and pushing it open. You climbed onto the window frame and jumped across onto the roof opposite. You barely had to think about it now after doing it so many times.

   You quietly made your way across the rooftop and onto the next one, and then the next, on your way to the meeting place. When you reached a particular rooftop you knew a guard always occupied, you ducked behind a chimney and picked up a small pebble from your pocket.

   Glancing around the side of the chimney, you watched the guard walk away from you and knew it was your chance. You threw the pebble at a different roof, attracting the attention of the guard, who proceeded to walk over to that roof, far enough away from you so that you could run onto the building to your right, away from the guard.

   From there it was simple enough to get to where you needed to be, and you got there on time.

   However, he didn’t seem to be there.

   Usually he was there before you, but today he wasn’t. You turned around, trying to find any sign of him, but he genuinely seemed to be absent. Perhaps he had a meeting. 

   You sat still for a little while, but you quickly became bored and so you stood up and made your way to the edge of the roof. You sat down on the edge with your legs hanging over as you watched the people walk through the street below. You admired them. They all had a place to go, they all had people to see and things to do. You felt slightly envious. Yes, you had a place to live but that was it. All you ever did was run small errands for Teodora, most of which involved going to the market. 

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