McCree: Dirty Dancing

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Why not start this off with a bang!  So, let's just get onto the x Reader part of the story!  This will be written as if the reader is female, so if anyone wants an x Male Reader version of this let me know!

McCree was sitting in his normal part of the bar, after his days with Overwatch he didn't do much of anything, he turned into a sort of lone wolf.  He hadn't connected with anyone from the team really, nor did he want to, none of them suited his style, so he went back to his normal ranching, his large property welcoming, but it looked as though nobody had lived there, and in a way, that was true, Overwatch had provided housing, as if it was a military base.

While he was lost in his thoughts he realized that he had been staring at a particular girl in the bar.  She was dancing with numerous males, but he had never seen her at this particular bar, which happened to be McCree's regular.  But, he couldn't take his eyes off her.  It could've been the whiskey, it could've been the low lighting, or it could've been the oldies music that this bar tended to play.  But he was almost certain it was the way she was dancing, it was old style, a style similar to what he would've seen in Dirty Dancing, something he often watched on a regular.  

That's when he got up, leaving his poncho and his hat sitting in his normal booth, hearing part of the bar go quiet, he usually didn't get up, not before he left, but the bartender knew, one of the few friends he had in this bar, but as he got up he shuffled his way through the crowed, the girl wasn't breaking her gaze from her dance partner.  But, her partner broke the contact as McCree walked to them, "'Scuse me," he said, clearing his throat, rolling up his sleeves slightly, "Can I get a go with the little darlin'?"

"O-Oh!  Sure!  Excuse me," her partner said, walking off to a far corner of the bar, going back to his friends, his expression as if he was scared straight, which he probably was from the mysterious figure in the back of the bar.

McCree then stepped up to his new dance partner and they started as soon as the next song picked up, the man almost had a smile on his face, but after a while he almost worked up a sweat, at the pace she was dancing, under the heat, the crowded bodies, the people almost making a ring around the two of them, afraid of the man, welcoming of the woman, but afraid of her new partner, but somehow she kept him tame.

Once their few songs ended, and they were both winded, McCree was the first to speak up, "Why don't I get you a drink?  What do you like?" 

"Just a martini, thank you," she spoke, bringing the hair away from her face, she was dressed modest, for being at a bar, and clearly wasn't drunk, she'd only had one drink earlier in the night, she didn't come with any friends and wanted to experience the bar for herself, and so far she was enjoying it.

McCree lead her to the front part of the bar, and talked to the bartender for a minute, and he brought back a small glass of whiskey and a martini, as she gripped her glass and brought it to her mouth, he looked at her.  "I've never seen you in here, first timer?" he asked, looking over her carefully.

"Yeah, wanted to experience this for myself, didn't bring any friends, so I'm here alone," she spoke, sipping her martini, the crowd had gone back to its normal size, condensing back to normal.

"I don't blame you, many groups of friends that wonder 'round here don't stick together long," McCree spoke, letting the words hang in the air, sipping on that small glass of whiskey the bartender had gotten him.

"Really?" the girl asked from his side, slightly watching him as he moved, watching his cautious movements, watching the way his eyes filtered through all the lights of the club scenery, she obviously couldn't say that she wasn't attracted to this man.  She couldn't tell if she wanted to get to know him more or if she wanted him to take her back to the dance floor, and have the two of them dance the way they had earlier, dancing as if she'd never had a partner who knew exactly how to handle her.

"Yeah, I used to come here with my group of friends, now I sit in that corner by myself," McCree said, turning his face to catch the girl's gaze, "Why don't we get out of here?  We can go back to my place to talk more if you'd like."

"Oh!  Sure!  Thanks, that sounds nice, actually," she said, placing her empty glass down, and McCree then stood from his bar stool, offering an arm to the young girl he had met that night.

She gladly took his arm as the bar seemed to pause, turning to stare at them, turning to see the man that had sat countless nights at the back of that bar, and the new girl who was just trying to find a new place to find friends, make herself out there, turning to them to see their exact dynamic.  And boy, did they have a dynamic.

The small city girl, with her short-ish black dress, her high heels to add an inch or so, her hair let down to fall over her shoulders, her stride confident and collected.  Then the cowboy, who grew up on a ranch, later to be found by Gabriel Reyes and put to work in the Overwatch organization, then let alone to live out the rest of his lonely life back on the ranch where he was at first.

They both happened to meet at the same place, at the same time, seeming as though fate was playing their hand.

But, as they walked back, McCree placed his poncho over his arm, placed his hat back on his head, and walked them both out of the small bar, walking her down in a comfortable silence back to his home, until she broke the silence.

"Why don't you talk to anyone except for the bar tender?" She asked, hoping she wasn't prying, and that it would be okay if she got to know him, and whatever secret that he was hiding.

McCree on the other hand was just happy she wasn't asking the story of the robotic arm that was in place of the flesh that was once there.  "It's a- uh- long story, I don't mind telling you if you want to listen," he spoke, looking over at the girl that was on his arm, her eyes wide in wonder, her touch against his flesh gentle, her steps light, but she wasn't even close to intoxicated, she was genuinely asking.

"I'd love to listen, but only if you want to tell, I won't force you," she said, as they walked up the long driveway to the house.

"I'll tell you once we're inside, don't need anyone else hearin' this.  On that note, you won't tell a soul, will you?" he asked, nervous to tell her, he hasn't told anyone else this story, to the entire world, he should be dead, he should be a goner, everyone in the Overwatch organization should be gone.

"I won't, I promise, don't need anyone figuring out what you don't want them to know," she said, standing on his side as he dug the keys to the large ranch house out of his pocket.

After telling the story, the girl's heels ended up at the doorway, her hair ended up pulled back, McCree's hat was off, his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, his arm was around her shoulder, they were seated with a blanket around the both of them on the floor in front of the fireplace.  He was slightly distraught, and the girl never pushed any information that he didn't want to tell out of him.

"So that's me, that's who I am, what I've done, where I've been, what I've seen... Maybe one day I'll get to know about you," McCree spoke, nobody had made him want to be open, but this girl was changing him, he knew they had only met hours ago, at a bar nonetheless, but she made him feel like he wanted to open up.

"Hopefully one day you will, I want you to," she spoke, looking up at him, leaning her head slightly on his shoulder as his thumb brushed against hers.

That's when he leaned down a bit, connecting their lips which had been just barely an inch away, he knew that he wanted this from the minute he saw her, he even imagined what it would be like once while they were dancing in the bar, but nothing could compare to the real thing.  It was sweet, and silky smooth, she even let his arm drop down around her torso, and after seconds he pulled away.

"Sorry.. That was a little too soon, wasn't it?" McCree chuckled nervously, looking at the girl, but she didn't look panicked, she didn't even look scared.

"I don't think so.. So now, why don't I tell you about me?" she stated, a soft smile on her lips.

McCree only nodded, a smile coming to his own features and turned his face towards the fire again, staring at the flames as she began telling him everything.

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