Chapter #3

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       I stared ahead of me- confused. The man stood there, leaning on his staff, smiling at me. He had a strange glow around him, like an angel and had smooth pitch black hair. He tilted his head at me, but I couldn't speak. I already had enough on my mind. I couldn't process it. Maybe I was seeing things. Maybe I was asleep. My head began to hurt from it. I started to fear it. I didn't understand it and my head grew weary. I tried to push my body to get up, but I only stumbled onto the floor. I started to feel dizzy and considered just telling myself it was a dream. However, I was snapped back to reality when he took a step toward me. My heart sped up in fear, and I scrambled back a bit. He kneeled down and held out his hand, and I was suddenly comforted. I slowly took his hand with much hesitation, and he led me to sit in a chair. When I sat, He took a step away from me and smiled.

     When nothing else happened, I spoke.

     "Who are you?" I stammered, holding my arm.

     He dipped his head in respect and spoke back.

     "I am Kyran. I am here to help you," He said, then nothing else.
There was a smooth, warm tone in his voice. He spoke with a way that gave me a comforting feeling. Yet, I was still unsure.

     I tried to ask another question, but at that point, I didn't know what to ask.

     "You must understand why I'm here, don't you?" He said softly.

     "N-no, I don't"

     He gave a knowing look which only confused me more.

     I sighed in annoyance and looked away.

     He bent toward me and put his hand under my chin. He lifted my head up and looked into my eyes. "I'm here for you."

     I couldn't take my eyes off him. I still didn't understand. It made no sense.

     "No one's ever here for me anymore," I whispered, looking away. He didn't respond.

     "Where are you from?" I said looking back at him. He moved his hands down to his knees and sighed.

     "I am..." he hesitated, "...not from here. I came here to help you, remember?"

     "You didn't answer my question. Where are you from? What are you?"

     He looked up at the ceiling processing the question. Then at last he answered, "I am a spirit.. or at least that's what you mortals would call me. My purpose is to be there for your kind," the light faded from his eyes for a moment as that last part wasn't entirely true, but I didn't think much of it.

     I looked down and it was silent for a moment. I was still excessively perplexed. But after a while of looking at him, I started to wonder if any of this was real of if I was just going crazy, "Why are you here?"

     "I come for the humans. I can come at the beckon call of one of many," He slowly stood up and looked down on me," Why you specifically, you might be wondering? Because I chose you."

     I couldn't smile, but this made me happy even so.

     "I may not know much of your kind," He continued," but I know that you are alone. So I came here for you."

     "I'm still just a little unsure about this. Too much has been going on." A single tear went down my face.

     "Do you believe that I can help you?"

     "Well, I, uh..." I didn't exactly believe he was even there. However I feared if I said anything, he might leave. Even if I was right, and it was only my imagination, I still didn't want it to end, for it felt comforting to have someone there again.

     He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted. We both quickly turned our heads toward the door, at the sound of someone coming up the stairs. By the sound of the footsteps I could tell it was Mrs. Mary Ann in her high heels. I didn't know why she was coming up, but I knew she couldn't see Kyran.

     I jumped up from my chair, and ran to the door to listen. When I heard the footsteps getting closer, I quickly turned to face him. "Go! I can't let her see you!"

     He didn't move.

     "You have to hide!" I started to panic as the footsteps grew louder, and he didn't move.

     I whipped my head around as the door slowly creaked open. Mrs. Mary Ann stepped in and closed the door behind her. I turned back to him to see what he would do, but he was already gone.

     I sighed. I guess it was just my imagination.

     Mrs. Mary Ann stood in front of the door. "How are you doing, Evelyn?"

     "I-I'm alright, I guess.?" I gave her a weird look. Since when did Mrs. Mary Ann ask how I was doing? "What are you doing here?" I tried not to make it sound rude.

     She looked puzzled by the question and looked around the room, and took a deep breath, "I don't actually know. I just had a strange dream and felt the urge to come up here and check on you."

     "What do you mean? What kind of dream? "

     She walked to other side of my room and sat down in the chair. She leaned her hand against her forehead. "I dreamt that a man came to me and told me to come up here and comfort you. So, I just came to see if anything weird was happening."

     I froze.

     "What kind of man?" I asked.

     "Well let's see. He had a top hat and a black suite, but that's all I remember. Why?"

     "N-no reason," I stammered.

     "Are you alright, dear?"


     We stood there in an awkward silence. After a moment or two, she stood up, "Well, I suppose if everything's alright, I'll be going..." She made her way to the door and closed it behind her.

     I rubbed my head and looked around. It was quiet again. "So, could it be?" I thought to myself. I walked around the room and looked out the window. Nothing. I walked over the spot where he had appeared earlier. Nothing.

     I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Maybe he could really be real. Maybe it was a vision. He felt real... I tried to pull my hopes down. I didn't want to be disappointed if it was actually fake. But there was still something in me that couldn't help me from believing it. I decided to put my mind to rest, and let it be. If it was real, then it was real. If it was fake, then it was fake. After a day full of confusion, and a mind full of wonder, I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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