Chapter 1: Bitter Dawn

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[This chapter is RATED SPG, STRONG PARENTAL GUIDANCE is advised.]

[T] [L] [V] [S] [H] [D]



Just woke up. It's almost 3 am and I need to get up because we need to rehearse for Music Bank live in London.

I drink my favorite banana milk before I go inside the bathroom. "All set!" I jumped to the bathtub then "Aw! Aaiish!" my butt got hurt by hitting it to the tub floor. STUPID ME.

To break my silence, I sing missA's latest song. "You touch my heart baby, you touch my heart Suzy" I sing like a drunk. Hahaha.

Actually, I really like Suzy. Since her trainee days. I often see her when I visit JYP Entertainment.

After taking a bath, I tried to wake up my sleepy head brother who actually looks like a dear sister because of his extensions

"Taemin hyung! wake up, it's already 3 am"

"Yeah." he answered.

As expected. He's always like that. Take two.

"My dear princess brother, wake up!" with a pleasing tone.

Okay. I'm starting to get mad. I always get mad because of his habit. In order to make him get off the bed, I scream out loud


"Okay!" he shouted.

"Omo!" he seems shocked of what I have just said. Hahaha. He woke up and rushed to the door. I think that was the best prank ever.

I laugh out loud as he open the door. Krystal is not there.

"Hahahahaha! I knew it! You will only wake up if it is Krystal."

"Aish! You punk! You ruined my kiss with Krystal!"

"Don't worry hyung, you will see her later."

"Oh! I forgot! It's Music Bank in London today! Kumapta bro!"

I smiled like a puppy. 

"Why are you giving me that smile? Oh, I know, it's because of Suzy"

I smiled again.

"Yeah. You take a bath now and I'll go outside."

As I leave the room, I'm quite shocked because it's dark and I'm blind in darkness. I'm about to go back to my room to get a flashlight but it seems I forgot to bring one in the first place.

While walking on the long, dark hallway, I see a girl with a long black hair and wearing a white dress. She is walking towards me. I got frozen. I'm feeling the cold wind that gently touches my skin. I began to sweat. After getting my consciousness, I ran away from her. I admit I'm scared of ghosts and everytime I see one, I'm being attacked by my asthma.

In such an tragic time, I fell off because of the slippery floor. My left arm hit the floor that cause me to scream in agony. Now she's in front of me. I want to scream again but there's no more voice coming from my throat and my enemy is attacking me now.

In such a moment, she grabbed by head and...

kissed me. I tasted her lips and I also smelt her sweet scent.

The kiss lasted for about 10 seconds. After the kiss, she spoke soft "Happy birthday"

I am pretty shocked because I forgot that today is my birthday and an unknown person just reminded me by her greetings. It shocked me more that the girl who just kissed and greeted me is now running away from me. I can't follow her because it's so dark that I can't see even a thing and I'm now catching my breath.

I realized that my phone is in my pocket. I supposed to call my brother but he is taking a bath like a girl. Instead, I dialed Kael's number. He picked up the call fast.

"What's up dude?"

"Ka-ka..kael! H-h-help me!"

"Oh! what happened?! where are you?!"

"Please! h-hel-help me b-bro! Aa-I'm i-in th-th-the hallway!"

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