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I've had these dreams.Strange linking dreams.Always being chased by shadow beings in a white,tidy,bright and big place.I kept having these dreams for about a year or so about 2-3 years ago.Then they went away.

I was talking to my friend about it when I went over her house.She'd had weird dreams as well.I told her about these dreams and she had had similar experiences but the place in her case was red,messy,dark and small.Neither of us could ever reach the other side of this house we were stuck in.
I had told her I'd been able to get up to the attic once im my dreams.I remember all that I saw was thousands and thousands of dolls on the floor,their eyes moving as I moved.There was a painting of a bearded man.A huge painting to be exact.The only other thing im the attic was another trapdoor to what seemed to be the other side. Me and my friend had realised that we'd been in the same house just the other side for ages. We'd heard voices shouting from the distance and we realised it was each other.We left it at that and we told each other that if we had any more dreams that we'd report it to the other.Well about 2 weeks after I had a dream.A dream about what happened before I got in this house.
I walked into a clearing in the dream,I was somehow in a forest.There was a lake to the right of the house and a small shack closer to me.As I got closer to the house an old woman with a grey curly bob appeared and told me if I went into that house I would die.I didn't listen because I was somehow pulled towards the building by some unknown force.
My friend had a similar experience with the old lady but the lake was on the left of the house.
After that I had no other dreams.Till about 2 months ago now.

It was the same "I'm being chased by shadow beings" dream I had almost everyday those 2-3 years ago but at the end I didn't just wake up. A guy saved me; he had a beard and looked like the person in the portrait (I can only remember the grey beard.) He seemed like he was of higher power than these shadow beings but he said "if you follow me they wont hurt you here anymore" and I woke up after I had followed him.

Then it all started.

I of course had had a few run ins with one shadow being, where he/she would stand by my bookcase and watch me at night.The room would get cold when it entered and would stay cold until it was gone.Then it would become very humid and hot.
After this dream with the bearded man I've had more and more of these nights where the shadow being just stands and watches.
About a week ago I was talking to my friend online when I felt my bed dip so I instantly turned my phone light on but nobody was there. Both me and my friend we're extremely scared, with her having dreams that predict deaths and when one had happened the night before it wasn't good.After a while we both calmed down and I fell asleep for about an hour.Then I kept hearing scraping and metal noises which sounded like they were directly in front of my window.This went on for about an hour then suddenly stopped.

Tonight was different though.
The date is 28th August and at around 12am when me and my mom came to bed (ik late but we were having one of those binge watching sessions) and I we went to bed.About half an hour later something lifted the bedsheets off of my right leg and pushed it up my leg.I was terrified so I once again turned on my phone light.It was extremely cold and I knew something had touched my leg.It got me wondering if it had tried to touch my other leg last night while I slept; I had a few thumb sized bruises that WERE NOT there the night before and were discovered when I woke up on the 27th August. Its currently quarter to 3 and I still don't know what to do.It feels a little warmer in here but it still feels cold.

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