"KRYSTAL GET UP NOW" You heard Kai yelling at you on the other side of your door " Hn, I'm up" You said as you put your hair up in a high ponytail and put your shades on. " Oh, then come down and get something to get then and Kry (Yes he calls you that but HE"S the ONLY one that can) after you eat your going to met Gai-Senesi's team today" Kai said as he headed down the steps. ~ great~ you tought to yourself as you walked down the steps. " Why do I have to met them Bro?" you asked Kai as you toke a bit of your bacon. " Because your going to start training with them today" He said " whatever" You said and walked out the door you knew where they met to train at ' Damn you Kai I'll kill you for this' you said as you started to run to the training grounds. There you saw two boys and one girl one boy had a stuipd green offit and a wired hair cut. The Girl had brown hair in two buns one on either side of her haed and the last boy had long dark brown hair tied low in the back and really light lavender eyes, ~ Damnit to hell~ you said as you just looked at the people before you " Who are you?And just what are you doing here?" The boy in the green offit asked you " Hn, I don't have to explain myself to you" You said in a poisoned voice and jumped up high in a huge oak tree and waited for Gai to come.~ Damn where is he~ you thought as you looked down and then you saw Gai standing in front of the tree you was in you jumped down just low enough that you could hear him but he still can't see you " Now then it seems that we are all here but wheres..." He was going to ask where you was thats when you jumped down and landed right behind Gai and sacred him half to death " Damn...Damn you Kris your going to kill me if you keep that up" Gai-Senesi said as he stood up still holding his chest " Hn, sry but you are just so fun to scare" you said as you glared at him " Well now that we ALL are here let me introduce (SP) Krystal Batsu, Kris this is..." Gai said but you cut him off " I know who they are thats Rock Lee, TenTen and the Infamous Neji Hyuuga." You said glaring knifes at Gai " Umm... Yes well Guys Kris here is going to be training with us today" Gai-senesi said with his famous grin " Ya'know if you keep doing that your face will be stuck like that forever" You said " Hump shut up Kris, Now we will start off with one on one sparing TenTen vs Lee and Kris you'll be facing Neji" Gai said as he walked over to the huge oak tree you was sitting in and sat under it to watch the fights. " Lets just get this over with" You said as you walked over to Neji " Hn, are you in a hurry for me to beat you?" Neji asked you " Hn, do you really think that you can beat me?" You asked him as he caught into a fighting stance >>AFTER THE FIGHT TRAINING>> You and Neji tied and Lee won his fight with TenTen " Well then that should be it for to day" Gai said seeing as how Neji Broke your arm and you broke your ankle by landing wrong when you did a flip Thanks to Neji " Kris, don't..." Lee started to say but you got his neck and looked him dead in the eye " Listen here bushy brow aloney people I like may call me that and it's not you If I ever hear you call me that don't think that I won't break your neck" You said in a deathly/cold voice that made him shiver under your hand then you just dropped him on the ground then you just walked your best away from the training grounds.
" Krystal!" You heard TenTen yell at you, you turned your head around to see her and Neji walking up to you " What do you need TenTen I have to go home" You said to her " Gai-senesi really thinks you need to go to the hospital and I'm here to help you there" She said " What about him" You asked her Glaring at Neji for breaking your arm " He's here to help you too" She said "Hn, No thanks but I'll manage" You said and turned around you had step ed down on your Left ankle it hurt like hell seeing as that's the one that you broke but you cont. to walk of try but you felt someone get on your left side to help you " If you keep walking on it it will never get better" TenTen said holding you up " What do you care?" You asked her in a deathly voice " Why wouldn't I care?" She asked you while leading you to the Hospital But you tryed to fight her off then you felt yourself begin picked up bridal stlye you looked over to see that Neji picked you up " Now fight against me if you think you can." He said staring down at you with haterd come from both his words and his eye.s>>Nejiz P.O.V.>> " TenTen,Neji go and take Kris to the Hospital to get her arm and leg looked at" Gai-Senesi said to you and TenTen, who looked more the plzed, " I wonder how she's doing?' TenTen asked "hn who cares" you said as you both toke off to find Krystal ' hn, dumb ass' you said to yourself as you found her walking pretty well for have a broken ankle" Krystal!" You heard TenTen yell at her, she turned her head around to see TenTen and You walking up to you " What do you need TenTen I have to go home" she said to tenten " Gai-senesi really thinks you need to go to the hosptail and I'm here to help you there" She said " What about him" she asked her Glaring at you for breaking her arm " He's here to help you too" She said "Hn, No thanks but I'll manage" Krtstal said and turned around she had steped down on her Left ankle the one that she broke but she cont. to walk off try but TenTen wentto her left side to help her" If you keep walking on it it will never get better" TenTen said holding her up " What do you care?" Krystal asked her in a deathly voice " Why wouldn't I care?" She asked her while leading her to the Hosptail 'Hn, she so stuborn' you tought as Krystal tryed to fight TenTen away. You seen that she was going to break free from TenTen and stepd in you picked Krystal up bridal stlye she looked over at you " Now fight agasint me if you think you can." you said staring down at her with haterd come from both your words and your eyes >>YOUR P.O.V.>> " Yes what can I do for you?" A nurse in the hosptail asked as You Neji and TenTen walked in " She needs a room her right arm and left leg are broken" Neji said " Alright this way plz" the nurse said as she lead you guys into a room " Wait here the Doctor will be any soon" she said and walked out. Then about 15mins later a Doctor walked in " So let have a look at cha, We will have to do x-rays on y..." He stared but you cut him off " No you won't, I have a sharted bone and a hair line break in my arm and me leg is just split" You said looking out the window " How do you know?" He asked you " I can tell by the way they broke besides anyone who is trained can tell whats wrong just by looking at 'em" You said as you looked out the window " Very well, Now come then we'll have to put them in caskes (SP?)..." But cut off again "I know now can we hurry up here?" You asked him " Yes very will what color do you want for your leg and arm Miss?" He asked " Black for my leg and Blood red for my arm" You said >> AFTER YOU GOT OUT OF THERE>> " God damn Doctors" you said as you got down the steps " Whats wrong Kr...' TenTen was about to say when you cut her off " Kirs, call me Kris TenTen" You said as you walked down the road " Alright Kris" TenTen said " Listen thanx for the help and all but I really didn't need it" you said as you heading home " Kai I'm home!" You yelled as you walked into your house " All Hey sis, what happened to you" Kai asked you " Nothing jus...oh Hey Kakashi" You said when you saw him sitting on the loveseat " Hay Kris" Kakashi said and waved for you to sit beside him. " So what Happened?" Kakashi asked you " That damn Neji Hyuuga broke my arm and I broke my leg by leading on it wrong" You said as you stared to heal your broken bones thanx to the Phoeinx " Gai had TenTen and Neji helped me to the Hosptail" You said as you finshed healing your arm. " look I'm going to lay down for a little while I'll see you later Kakashi" You said as you gave him a hug and went up to your room