A Flashing Figure

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It was a regular foggy, brisk morning in upstate New York and I was late for work. Again. I said goodbye to my mother and threw on my pink camo rain boots, size 9, and my matching raincoat to keep from getting too cold and wet. I slammed the hard-to-shut front door of our little gray town house. The house was two stories tall with 2 bedrooms that were each shared by 2 people. Each room and actually the entire house itself, was very small, only about nine hundred square feet.
I had worn my hair for specifically the reason of being able to put my hood up. I pulled my hood over my head and looked across the street. Chris, my neighbor waved at me, also going to work at the same place. Chris was kind of a creeper. He was 26, ten years older than me, and he was always hitting on me. He would always get out of the house the same time as me so that he could offer me a ride. When it was raining I wouldn't decline the man's proposal to keep me dry under his car roof. I turned to walk down the street towards the Starbucks about a mile from my house. Without looking I knew that Chris was jogging across the street to ask if I wanted a ride.
"Emaline!" He sang in his happy go lucky tone that always protruded from his throat when he spoke.
"Emaline," he said again. I turned towards him. "Would you like a ride today?" I was about to deny him the pleasure of getting to have me in his car, when I realized that it had started to sprinkle and was growing steadily into a heavy rain.

"I guess." I shrugged and walked back across the street with him. Sometimes Chris was really sweet. Other times he was like a stalker. The latter happened more than should be acceptable. But I didn't say anything about it to anyone. I have no clue why though. He got out his car keys and unlocked the black 2009 Chevy with his key fob. We hurried over and hopped in quickly trying to escape into the dry interior of the car.

He looked over at me smiling. His eyes went straight to my chest. I crossed my arms and asked "Do you have to be such a pervert?" But I didn't get out the car and walked to work like I should have.

"Yes," he replied, pulling a plastic bag out of his coat. I look curiously at the bag. I felt that I was scared for no reason. But yes, I had every right to be scared. He opened the bag and pulled out a greyish white rag. "Good night." He said putting the rag over my face as I began to scream. But soon enough there was only darkness welcoming me into simple bliss.
Cold, hard metal presses against my skin. This wasn't right. Where was I? I opened my eyes slowly. Whatever room I was being kept in was dimmly lit, a single light bulb hung above me. Still groggy, and wondering where the fuck I was, I looked down at my body. I was half naked and wrapped in chains, I was fucking chained down! Where the hell were my clothes?!?!

"Hellllloooosanywanthir?" I slurred, my words mixing together. What happened? How did I get here? I wanted to scream the questions. I was given no answer to my call or my silent questions. I moaned in pain as a wave of agony erupted at the back of my head. I don't know what happened, but it must've been bad for my head to hurt this much. I waited for what seemed like hours for someone to come for me, each moment left me in torturous suspense. But as I waited my memories slowly but surely began to come back to me.

First I remembered leaving the house. Then something about work and rain.... Then... Then... Chris. Chris is the last thing I remember. Is Chris responsible for this mess that I've been tossed into hopelessly and utterly helpless like a rag doll? I heard a loud creak. Maybe it wasn't that loud. But left with only my thoughts for the amount of time I was alone in there, the creak sounded loud as a gun shot. I couldn't see who or what had made the noise. So I waited some more, staring up at the same damn lightbulb. I could here faint footsteps growing louder, coming closer. It didn't take them long to get to me. A face popped into my vision, staring down at me, I saw Chris's face.

"Hello Emaline. Ready to succumb to death?" I wiggled and squirmed. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want this to happen. I heard a tiny metal clink. Chris came back into my view. His blue eyes were shining and his blond hair fell over his face. He lifted a short, sharp, glinting knife in his tan skinned hand.

"No. No. Nononononono... Please!" I pleaded. Why? Why? Why? He smiled at me with straight white teeth, and slowly lowered the knife to my skin I whimpered. He stopped and looked from me to the knife... Shrugged his shoulders and pressed the blade into my flesh. I let out an agonized, guttural scream. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flashing figure. Chris lifted the blade and smiled at me but I was completely focussed on this flashing figure, my head slightly turned toward it, my eyes wide. That's when Chris noticed it. He dropped the knife and it calttered to the ground and he screamed the word, "no!!!". The flashing figure floated towards him. He wouldn't, no... Couldn't move, he was paralyzed with fear. The figure reached him. Then streched out a flashing hand and plunged it in his chest. I was saved... I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't.

Then the flashing figure turned on me. I was next.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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