S. Randle || The Outsiders

730 98 4

Dating Steve Randle includes;

WARNINGS: a hint of sexy times, cursing


tackling him in a hug evERYIME YOU SEE HIM, even if its only been five minutes

• him taking up 99% of the bed when you're sleeping; resulting you to move to the floor or lay on top of him 'cause he won't wake the fuck up

• during your break, you'll make out in the back room (you both work @ the DX)

• he loves seeing you in his cut off DX shirt, he finds it extremely sexy

• tracing his tattoo whenever you two are cuddling

• he's so damn clingy, and you're 169% okay with it

• having deep conversations at three o'clock in the morning

• intentional flirting with the other (keeps the relationship fire goin')

• walking behind him so you can step on the back of his shoes

• he likes your boobs/ass, he likes them/it a lot

• taking showers together because you're both COnStaNTly covered in car oil

• running his hands up and down your body when you're stretched out on the bed/couch, he loves it

• on days you two don't have to work, he makes sure to not grease up his hair because he likes it when you play with it

laying underneath him while he does pushups

at random times, he pushes you against the wall and gives you the most passionate kiss ever

calling him daddy when you're in the mood

he likes to wear your jacket, but he always looks funny because its too small, his muscles buldge out 

he loves that you always bite your lip before/after the two of you kiss

he enjoys it when you cook for him

getting extremely jealous when people flirt with him, vise versa

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