A past to not remember.

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"Get a Doctor!!"

"Over here"

"What about an officer?!"

"Is she okay?"

"Lady Isabella?? Look at me!"

"A doctor over here! "

"An officer?!"

The girl's eyes fluttered unconsciously. Hearing a haze of soft voices, a sound of beating wings and a light that could only be described as breathtaking mesmerizing her.


Her thoughts drifted away as she felt herself being lifted- no, not lifted, floated- away from the mossy ground. The girl's eyes snapped open and she let out a long cough that was so unladylike she was startled nobody gave her a disapproving look.

Now that Isabella thought about it, nobody was looking at her at all. Well, they were looking towards her, but there was apparently something behind her.

She spun around, confused, and almost choked on her own tongue.

There she was- or, another her-, on the ground. She- the other her- had a huge hole where her heart would be.

"Oh my goodness!" Isabella (the alive-dead? Undead? Unalive?-one) exclaimed. Or tried to, but nothing came out.

She tried again, opening her mouth to speak, but something seemed to block her throat out, making her unable to speak.

The crowd parted to let a elderly man pass, who's voice filled with shock and horror.


"Father!" She tried to whisper, and she stepped in front of him, gathering the many layers of her long dress in her hands, but he walked straight through her.

Jesus mother of all that's holy.

"What happened?!" Her father whispered, his fingers brushing Lady Isabella's forehead, brushing the elaborate curls behind her ear, her barrette falling to the ground, discarded.

"She was shot. Im so sorry Master James, she's... gone to a better place now." The officer tried to reason with him, but the older man was anguished.

Isabella glanced behind her, a familiar presence raising the hairs on her neck.

She saw a face, a young man shaded by the crowd and fading sunset, staring at the scene with a look of pain on his face, before he dropped his cane and ran as fast as his presentable clothes would take him.



"Bellybobble! Get you're a-hole up this second! Wake-up!! We'll be late for fifth hour. Ooh, now I think about it, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea... But anyhoo, you can't fall asleep in class! Its not good for you! Bloody women, get you're a-hole UP from that desk. The teachers glaring at me!!" That annoying voice turned to a whisper "Ohemgee. The Godzilla's approaching me. Im scared. Help! Izzy!!! Get upppppppppppp!!!" Mimi's voice broke through my dreams, jolting me from weird images of men in sensible clothes, flowing skirts, bullets and yells.

"Miss. Lyla, what is all of this commotion about? Stop screaming at Isabella this instant! Isabella? WHY ARE YOU ASLEEP!?! Are you trying to disrespect the school!? Miss, get up this instant! Get to your next class, and you have detention tonight!" Her voice went from disapproving to... well... creepy. If I opened my eyes, I bet I'd see fire coming from her open mouth and sharp teeth ready to chomp me.

I cracked an eye open, ready for the frightful image. All I saw was a very elderly lady glaring at me with annoyance, her circle-rimmed glasses perched on the end of her witch nose. My sigh of relief got caught as I realised it was Miss. Boor staring at me. Gulp, even worse that fire and sharp teeth.

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