'Year 2049. In a desolated district in new york, snow is falling yet again. It's that time of the year again, everyone is preparing for the new year, some doing the last minute shopping to get things done and ready, It's new year eve once again, it's been like 4 years since then and i haven't change abit in looks, I had already gotten used to this way of living, living the way an undead person will. The snow is falling so thick just like four years ago, you did have gotten frozen on a night like this without a jacket on, i who had nothing on except for a tattered pants on was no exception either, I had a shirt on but i had already given it away to a boy who had wanted it for a kitten he saw on the streets that he thought look cold, after i had given him it, he ran off, with that piece of cloth i had thought of as something precious as it was from somebody who loved me, my precious child hood friend, Tylor.


My matches were almost all out, I was supposed to sell them but never mind, I had a feeling that tonight it will be different, i am sorry mum and dad, i said in a prayer as i came to a stop in front of the gates, i unfastened the pin on my head letting down my messy dirt filled golden locks of hair letting it descend upon my face, i will used it, my only gift from my parents, a bear that is holding a rose was printed on the head of it, it was pretty the way it was, although dirt and grim had patterned most of the pin's body, a creaked was heard as i slowly pushed the doors of the school gate open I had pricked the door's lock successfully, this is one of the many skills Tylor had taught me. The snow that had covered the school's pathway to the main door was glistening in the moonlight. I slowly made my way to the infirmary which was on the 3rd floor.


As i sneak in, a sound was heard, "Tpinhk....tinhg..." i quickly get over to the box and grab the heavy thing and hop out of the window in to the tree which cushion my landing. Whatever that was, it's probably not a good thing to stay here overnight after all, I quickly turn back and glance back in the empty field that has leafs scattered everywhere on top of the snow and then up at the open window, it had stop snowing, suddenly the window started sliding by it self. I quickly scale the walls and make a leap on to the road at the opposite side of the school field.. the road was isolated and empty. My heart was pounding like hell. I quickly make my way back to the place where i was selling matches, hopefully if it doesn't snow, i can maybe beg to be accepted as a child slave, it was already late when i reach there and indeed it had started snowing yet again.


Everyone seem to have all gone home, the pavements that have people bustling all over a few hours ago is now quiet and empty. i set myself down on the cold snow against one of the brick walls, making myself barely comfortable in that position, i lifted out from my pocket the last match and started striking it against the wall that i was leaning on, energy seem to have left me, i haven't eaten a thing much less get anyone to buy any matches during pass 8 hours i had been here. Was i going to freeze here? I looked up in the sky at the stars and reach out my hands as if to touch them. Was i gonna die without having to fulfill my life wants? It's true i had parents, i had family, i should be grateful for all of these but.. was it good enough to only be able to see them, i feel like an NPC (Non-player character) of a game in my whole life. As i set leaning against the increasingly cold wall the light from the lamp post started flickering, my whole life started flashing past, my parents torturing me... my grandparents didn't care less...they didn't want to get involve the more terrible thing is that my aunt she didn't like me alot so she often get me down on my knees doing what a dog will do and chaining me up to whip on days when things didn't go pretty well for her, i was always being treated like a girl, made to wear dresses and such, as my parents always wanted a girl i am not their real child though... when they first brought me home from the streets, i was over the moon, i had always wanted one of my own, Parents. During the first five years i was treated with much delight as a daughter of the rich couple, I was a boy of course, but i didn't mind, as long as they are willing to keep me, i was happy, I was treated like their real daughter, they will every so often buy gifts for me whenever on their trip, of course i was also in charge of their house keeping too. Dresses, Veils, Makeup and heels, you name it, they will all fit me stunningly the neighbours also like me alot. It was during the 6 year when everything start to go down, the couple had their first child, Yvonne, i who now hold no significant role, started to fade in to the background, from being "daughter" to, "servant", that was a long drop in to despair.


But it's not all that bad either, Yvonne like me alot, and so do i, we often played together in the garden with Tylor. We talked about anything under the sun. but then, it only lasted for 2 years, Tylor died, Yvonne went to school, and we never played again from then. By then i was 19 but i was still looking like a small kid, because of malnutrition, my height's growth seem to have stalled but i didn't care as Tylor is gone there is nothing to hope for.. 1 Year after Tylor's death, Yvonne's dad's company hit rock bottom, forcing the family to shift to a smaller house...i had to follow as the family servant. Aunt all of sudden stop visiting the family, it wasn't until the news spread around that Yvonne had died mysteriously, her body was not found either, that year, Aunt came back, all smiles. As if she was determine to help "Dad" get back to his former state in business she donate a lump sum of money to the small company "Dad" was working in. "In just a few months, I have gotten in to the top 10 list for the most successful businessman in new york Then he made an announcement: "As you have all gathered around i have to say that i want to make an announcement to retire and let, Lvine here to take over my business and also get my name, She will be now known as "Lvine Gil Fince". Will you all please put your hands together for my daughter." My face was sullen as i couldn't get over the fact that i had to take Yvonne in her place and be the Heir of the company. It was suppose to be "Yvonne Gil Amoure" instead of me. I couldn't stand the sight of myself but i had to mingle with that mask of smiles in order to ensure, people will join in dad's Business. Of Course i wasn't in charge. I was just a matchstick girl after all. I was just a pretty appearance for the company, the Real heir was Eric the son of the couple which has been hidden in my care for a very long time already, the twin of Yvonne.


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