Chapter 2 - 100 things to-do before I die?

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Music Video on side ;3 Feel free to play ;)

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Okay so uhm..Right here right now...I'm writing in my uhm..

So-called-diary? No something like a list..

its called "100 Things to-do before I die"

But I'm working on it right now...I don't even think it will reach 100!


100 Things to-do before I die

1. Play outside! In the airy grass! Be free!


3. Live happily ever after?! I wish..

4. Marry this "Prince Charming"!

5. Travel Travel Travel.

6. Go swimming!~ in the beach~~ or pool?

7. Hiking! Go hiking!

8. Sing in front of an audience

9. Dance with my father

uhh..what else to write?

"Aro! ARO!!! ARO! APHRODITE..!" 

hmm? who would that be? I looked around and saw..

"Freya?" ahh bestfriend :)

"wanna go outside and PLAY?" <-- as you can see PLAY was capslocked...for Emphasis ;'>

"Play what?" I asked. "" she answered. "I'm sorry freya but my daughter

Aphrodite isn't allowed to be exposed to the sun for now.You can exercise in the garden though"  I

leaned my head as I saw my mother standing behind Freya. "Oh-okay" freya gently answered.

We went to the garden and started doing some first we were like..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ! - 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 !

But then Freya was like 1242253663738349499!

She was crazily doing some Random moves! It was like... I'm being weirded out O.O

"Uhm Freya?" <-- me

"Yeah?" <-- her

"What are you doing?" I said as I laughed and she was like o.O

"Exercising!" She answered like she was SERIOUSLY exercising.

"Uhm..Okay" I said as I continue counting "1234--" ..Yeah..sometimes freya gets all Crazy-McWootzy

Right after that...freya suggested that we should get a smoothie in the mall.

We asked permission to mom and she agreed!

On our way to the mall...

A tear fell from my face


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That's all~!

Thankyuuu so MUCH >:D for reading!

I hope this chapter didn't bore you to death!

No i was kidding this one's boring also! Sorry D:

Right now my brain uh..yeah...

I can't think right now..>.< 

XD anyways...Feel Free to | vote | comment | be a fan | vote | comment | be a fan |

lol..and the cycle goes on and on and on ;D

Yeah..Thankyuu again..and please continue to read my stories ;'>

Love Love Love, Mischkka

If I die youngTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon