Chapter 6- I'm trying to understand you

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Song: Crush- Sometimes (this song has so many memories lol)

NOTE: (***) means flashback/dream. (*) means break/ later in the story. 

~Irene Blair~

Fatigue filled my whole body as I struggled to wake up. What on earth happened to me? Blinking a few times I saw, Luna Liah and Alpha Zander by my bed worried. 

"How long was I sleeping?" I asked. They glanced at each other internally speaking which annoyed me since I'm right in front of them and it's rude. 

"Irene, how are you feeling?" Alpha Zander asked as Luna sat next to me holding my hand. I remembered the events of Zachariah's wolf. 

My soulmate is nothing like a wolf, not exactly...

"I'm not sure, Alpha," I slumped my shoulders. I don't know how to feel. He is my soulmate but there's this dark mutation within him. I've never been so frightened in my life and I don't even want to think about what would have happened if he didn't morph back to his human self. 

"It's only been a few hours since you fainted. We are sorry that you had to see Zach like that. We understand if you want to stay away from him for a while." Luna Liah said. 

Did I want to stay away from him? I'm not sure. All this time I wanted his attention and when I got it, fear of the unknown hit me. 

"Where is he?" I murmured. 

"He's in his room at the moment. The guilt is probably eating him up right now, he never wanted to show this version of him to you, of course, you'd understand why." She explained sympathetically holding my hand. They all probably think that I despise him, I don't. I just want to understand the reason behind his unnatural form. 

"Zach wants to give you space that's why he's not here right now. I'm sure you have a lot of questions but in time he'll tell you everything you want to know, just know that he's apologetic of scaring you." Alpha Zander explained. I guess he'll tell me later so I'm also going to give him space, I don't think both of us are in the right mind to see each other at the moment as we need to process it.

"Thank you for letting me know. Um, this isn't the first time he- Um," I can't even say it, I don't know how. 

"No, this isn't the first time he shifted like that. But don't worry, this is the first time I didn't have to break his bones for him to shift back and it's all thanks to you, you've done well, Irene, as a mate and Luna," I nodded understanding. 

I felt bad for him but in my heart there was a whisper of fear that he's hurt me in some way in that form of his. It's truly terrifying, I've never seen a  wolf half shift like that and I'm pretty much left in the dark since no one wants to tell me anything. 

"Please give him a chance, we are anxious if you're going to r-reject him..." Luna Liah faltered. No way! I couldn't reject him, I can't even think about it, he's mine! Only made for me. 

I know that I don't love him yet, but how can I possibly contain my feelings for him? He be a monster, but he is mine. I can't. Even if I'm afraid, I accepted him the moment he proved himself by calming down, the moment he kissed me and the moment he saved me. I may fear him but I like him. He saved my life and I somehow managed tame him. 

"Luna Liah, I'm not going to reject him. Yes, I'm scared but I want to hear it from him," She sighed in relief and hugged me. 

"Thank you so much. You don't know how much those words meant to me, I'm so thankful that you are my son's mate," I hugged her back then they left me to check up on Zerevis and my mate. I hope that they are okay. 

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