Chapter 1

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  "What the hell are you doing John!"

   Crap, Sam followed us. She always was the stubborn one. With her glistening, flowing brown hair and beautiful eyes as blue as the sky. I don't know how she does it.

  "What does it look like? I'm in my leather armor with a crew of five in the middle of the forest, we're clearly going hunting for something."

  "Oi Jonathan hurry up, it's cold out here and I hate the sound of crunching leaves!" Jack complains. Jack is a short and stubby man, he may not look like it but he's a strong warrior. In hand to hand combat, he's one of our best. Although he has a knack of interrupting conversations at the wrong moment. Right now he has a leather breastplate and he's sword ready.

  "Hold your horses! I'm talking here and I never asked you to come in the first place!"

  "Well I couldn't let you come out here with a bunch of men you don't know, Jonathan. That would be stupid!"

  "Whatever​!" I yelled back. I turned​ back to Sam and she - as usual - starts talking immediately.

  "So the frick if you have a few men? You think you guys can take on a dragon?!"

  "Well it's only a kid, possibly a baby, some of our scouts have seen it. Plus it's killed some of our own, it must pay."

  "John." She says quietly. Suddenly she smacks me across the face.

  "Ow! What the bloody hell was that for?!" I ask, putting a hand on my reddening cheek.

  "A dragon is a dangerous creature that can kill grown men like it's nothing. As you said yourself it's killed some of our own. Why would you go out and intentionally try to fight it?"  Sam asks.

  "Look, I'll be okay. Kids are much easier to handle." I say trying to reassure her. "And the men that died? They we're all armed with a sword. They were just caught off guard. Plus they were in a group of three, we're in a group of five. We'll handle this, and we will all return, I promise." I say putting my hand on her shoulder and look directly in her eyes.

  She gently removed my hand. "Fine, I'll take your word for it. Just be careful. With my mom always leaving it gets kinda lonely​--"

  "Jonathan, hurry the hell up!" Jake yelled impatiently​.

  "SHUT THE HELL UP I'M TALKING HERE!" I yelled back, annoyed.

  "Okay..." Jack reply timidly. I turned back to Sam and she continued.

  "Anyways please be careful. I'll die of boredom if you die. And then I'll hunt you down in the after-life."

  "How are you gonna do that if we're both dead?"

  "I'll kick your ass. That's how." She said with a devilish smirk.

  Always so violent with her radiant smile... Wait, what the hell am I thinking? I don't like her, she's just pretty is all. And violent...

  "Okay, okay. I won't die, but I might have a tiny scratch or two so would you mind staying here? There's a tree you can sit in." I say pointing to a 50 or so foot tree. "I don't think anyone could get you up there. Plus it's covered in leaves so there's camouflage."

  "Well, okay. I'll stay here. But you have to stay for awhile."

  "Why?" I question.

  "I'm calling Wolfie." Samilia says, seemingly ignoring my question.

  "No! Not that mutt!" I say wide-eyed.

  She smirked. "Oh, what's wrong?" She asked innocently. "You're such a big, strong warrior, surely a little ol' wolf can't scare you."

  Damnit. She's hitting my pride. "Well it's just uhh. It's not really a small thing. It's quite..." I say, trailing off at the end.

  "What? Are you speechless?" She asked with a smirk.

  "Shut up!" I yell, turning on my heel.

  I storm off, but not far. I want to make sure she's okay and at the same time show that I'm annoyed. I watch her climb up the tree about half way. I probably look like a creep watching her like this. Suddenly a howl rings out through the forest.

  Well, I'm out.

  "Stay safe Sam!" I watched her settle on a tree branch with her back to the trunk.

  "Whatever, John! You should probably catch up with Jack and the others! They left a while back!"

  My men! Crap! Wait, they left me?! I'm the one with the magic sword, we're hunting a dragon for Pete's sake! Those idiots!!

  I sprint into the thicker part of the forest. I hop over logs and rocks occasionally. I see someone in the distance, I think. I run faster towards the figure.

  "Jack?! Jack, is that you?!" No response. After getting closer, I put my hand on his shoulder. "Jack, are you okay?"

  He's just standing here. Then he just falls over. I could see his face. It was literally clawed out by something big.

  I check his neck for a pulse and do the same on his wrist. "Still alive." I breathe out. "Sit tight, I'm going to kill whatever did this to you."

  I hear I soft growl from behind me. I draw my sword and turn around quickly. I look up and there stood directly in front of me was a twenty-five ​foot gray-scaled dragon. I was definitely wrong. This wasn't a kid.

  I could see it's​ thin, sharp-looking tail batting the ground, getting ready to attack. Suddenly, darkness was eating away at my vision. My eyes were getting heavy, and my breathing was becoming ragged and slow.

  I'm sorry, Sam. I guess I'm dieing here. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise.

  It raises it's tail going in for the kill. I hear something. I muster the last of my strength to open my eyes. I see a sapphire blue blob seemingly attacking the larger gray blob.

  The gray blob moves away out of sight and the blue one comes toward me. I want to move away but I just don't have the strength left in me.

  It sniffs - I think - around my wound. Suddenly a blue light appears and my vision starts to clear up and I feel like I can breathe again.

I tried to move but as soon as I did, everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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