Chapter 5

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I awoke to my phone going off. I check the time to see it was three in the morning. Who in the world would text this early in the morning. I check the name, best friend. I smirked knowing full well it was Colby. I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes then I checked his text. Call me it read. This better be important. I pressed the phone on the corner of the screen and put the phone up to my ear. After the first ring, he answered the phone.

"Hello, best friend." He said.

"Why in the world are you calling me at the witching hour?" I asked stretching.

"Witching hour?" He chuckled. "Well I couldn't sleep."

"Well why is that?"

"I don't know. But I'm kind of outside your house right now. And if you can be a best friend and come here and join me. I need your company." I jumped out of bed and looked out my window and sure enough he was there smirking up at me. I gave a sigh.

"Okay give me a sec. I'll be right done." I said hanging up the phone. I threw some jeans on and a hoodie. I snuck out my room to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I wonder why, Colby decided to come all the way over here just to talk to me. I would have been completely fine just talking on the phone. I sneak my way down the stairs to the front door. I quickly and quietly went out the door and meet up with Colby.

"What in the world are you doing here at this hour?" I said punching his shoulder lightly. "Couldn't you have just called me on the phone from the warmth of your hotel?"

"Yes, I could have but I wanted to see your face." He said with a blush on his face. "How about we take a walk?"

"You're really asking to get killed by some wild animal." I smiled at him. "Fine we can but if anything or anyone jumps out at us you will be the first one to go."

"Every man for himself, right?" I nodded my head. We began to walk towards the bodies of water, where we first meet today.

"So how long have you guys been here?" I asked starting conversation so we wouldn't have to walk in complete silence.

"About four days, we're suppose to leave and like four days." He said.

"So in four days you leave me all by myself." I said faking crying noises. Some part of me actually kind of sad.

"Hey you have to finish school. We'll keep in contact then when you're all done with school you can always come and visit us." Colby said wrapping me in a side hug. I leaned into his side letting the warmth develop me. He didn't move his arm, as we continued to walk. I shouldn't feel this comfortable in his embrace, right? I mean technically he is a stranger, I just meet him today but it feels like I've known him forever.

We get close to the lake and we stare out. I look at the reflection of the moon hit the water, its beautiful. I sit on the ground pulling Colby down with me. Not wanting to be the only one on the ground. We sit in silence for a while. Both of us enjoying the company of each other. I looked up at Colby and I notice him smiling up at the sky. He looked almost different in a way. I mean I saw him as attractive but he looks almost innocent here, just starring at the sky. He was beautiful. He looks down at me catching me starring at him.

"Why are you giving me that look?" He asked.

"What look?" I asked looking back at the lake breaking the spell.

"You were smiling at me all weird like."

"Oh so now my smiles weird." I said with fake hurt. "You know that's not proving to me that you really are my best friend." I said with a chuckle.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. Don't twist my words."

"So what's the real reason you drove all the way over here?" I asked changing the subject.

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