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A few decades later from the quirks surge and the acceptance of the quirk holders to the society a new vision arised, Heroes, this word was at first a title that comic characters had thanks to powers they had and to the heroic feats they made. But in this day this unique title has become a 'regular' job, although it has become something normal no one can be a 'hero' for this you need to have a license. There are specialized schools that help to this and the #1 is called U.A. As many others this High Schools U.A. has gave 'birth' to a lot of heroes who excel at his field. And now as every year the admission exam will be held in a building own by the school, the flower petals from the tree called Sakura were in their peak of color, making the path that lead to the building a once in a life sight. Many teenagers were walking, others were talking and some were nervous, all of them had the dream of becoming a hero.
Between the many students there were three that called everyone's attention: the first is a blonde guy with a spiky style of hair that was distracted making little explosions, that caused everyone to flinch every time they heard an explosion and with that they stayed away from him.
The second was a girl with unique eyes that resembled a hit-mark and a hair that had the same color as the pink bubblegum, as she was walking she was with a screwdriver fixing a little machine that had a big red button which brought a bad omen to all the other students.
The third one like the other two, was getting a lot of attention but this one was more of curiosity than the feeling of insecurity, all those who were walking were wearing their respective uniforms but the third guy was wearing black sneakers, brown jeans, a crimson faded shirt and a green big coat that made him look like a thug, his hair covered his eyes, he carried a bag, the same kind of bag that you can see the athletes have, more girls than boys were approaching him, his appearance was mysterious but charming, he was listening to music and started to sing

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His voice was monotonous like he simply learned the lyrics but the way he sang made it seem like a sad feeling was mixed.
His voice attracted more girls and some boys to his side, they felt hypnotized by his voice.

As he was finishing the blonde guy had a nostalgic feeling, he knew that a certain 4 year old liked that song.

"Hey you! What's your name?" Bakugou Katsuki stood in front of the strange guy.

"Does it affects you what's my name?" His voice was soft but it produced a feeling of power and strength.

"Yes, it does so what's your name?" "I don't want to tell you" Bakugou was going to start a fight but the blonde hero called Present Mic, without noticing it, called for all the participants interrupting the starting fight.

Bakugou went to the entrance still wanting to explode the mysterious guy's face, Mei was observing from afar interested in how everything develops but her device started to create smoke and she freaked out.

Inside the building Present Mic was the one to give the instructions of how the exam consists of; after giving the instructions a blue haired teenager was wondering about a 0 point enemy.

"Could you explain why does there are enemies with one to three points and only one with zero points and why do you are not listening and without your uniform?" He was pointing at the guy who was surrounded by many girls looking at the ceiling.

"What did you say?" "Are you making fun of me?" The boy called Iida Tenya felt like he was being mocked.

"Let's calm down and start with the exam" Present Mic stopped another fight this day and after a few minutes all the students were separated at their respective places where they needed to take their practical exam.

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