Mattie pays got big balls and I’m having crack down on them tired activity in 10 on the announced the Lhasa sure we can tonight so I'm tackling the Lady Godiva Coventry now looking at these ladies they’d need %uh shire horse decal writing naked through the streets of the city I've character is a big problem Coventry planet size posteriors with little fighters before giving them their mission of testing at to stoning technique I need to take down their particulars 45in spa at an average of 42 and says this lot are one and a half inches above the national average a total of 417 they're just about the same size as a dump truck press in Ultimate Flush Colon Cleanse town tiled what all the latest place funny like five almost more than the right I'll be hauling my ass to Coventry later in the show and I'm wrapping up busting gift for these girls to test %ah a super skinny jasmine is eating less than third of what she should be and weighs in at just seven stone 11good how body screaming out from of food she has checked herself into a feeding clinic she hopes that by channeling down on supersized adult high-calorie snacks and meals just start piling on the pounds it's day one the diet swap and breakfast time brings Gasman’s fast big food challenge Darryl’s usual fatty for I am gossip great English.